Ch.2: Welcome to the Host Club

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-Ouran Academy-Music Room #3-Lunch-Day 3 CONTINUED-

"Welcome to the Host Club~" a chorus of voices said.
Y/N blinked her (E/C) orbs a few times at the blinding light and red rose petals, only to end up seeing four unknown males, plus Haruhi and the twins posing near a couch.
How'd they get there so fast? Y/N anime sweat dropped as she looked at her 'brother' and two classmates.
"Oh, a new princess~!" A tall, lanky blonde beamed, instantly infront of Y/N and saying something really quickly as sparkles surrounding him and he held out a beautiful pink rose, as Y/N blinked with a blank expression.
"Senpai, please leave Y/N alone." Haruhi finally said, tugging Y/N away from the blonde, who looked confused, before whining and pointing accusingly at Haruhi as he looked at the male with glasses.
"Mommy! Our daughter is being rude again!" He whined loudly.
"D-daughter?" Y/N snickered quietly, as Haruhi looked irritated.
"Who is this Haruhi?" 'Mommy' asked the brunette, totally ignoring the blonde, who was now in a dark corner growing mushrooms at being totally ignored.
"This is my twin sister, Y/N." Haruhi told the bespectacled male, who raised an eyebrow and looked through his black book.
"I don't remember you ever having a twin." He stated.
"We were separated at birth." Y/N instantly said. Lying was a talent she's possessed since she was eleven after all. "Mommy and Daddy couldn't take care of the both of us, and so our grandparents took me in. We don't discuss it much since it's such a touchy subject, you understand, right 'Mommy'?" The (H/C) shyly smiled as she hugged Haruhi and looked as innocently as she could.
"Quite." The male simply said, narrowing his eyes at the female, then jotting something down in his notebook.
"Another set of twins?!" The tall male suddenly jumped out of his 'emo corner', and was standing infront of Haruhi and Y/N.
"You two (do/don't) look alike." He pointed out, comparing Haruhi's short brown hair with Y/N's (H/L) (H/C) hair, and Haruhi's brown orbs that was (different than/matched) Y/N's own (E/C).
Y/N awkwardly took a step away from the blonde male and now clutched onto Haruhi's sleeve, feeling the closest to him at the moment since he knew her secret. "So who are your other friends Haru-nii?" Y/N falsely smiled up at Haruhi, who looked a bit startled at the sudden nickname, before he smiled sheepishly.
"Right. Well this is Tamaki Suoh, he's the president of the Host Club." Haruhi jabbed his thumb in Tamaki's direction, where the blonde was rambling on still about twins and how he already had to deal with the devilish ones. "Though if she's another Haruhi, it can't be that bad right!?" He beamed.
"The one with glasses is Kyoya Ootori." The brunette then motioned to Kyoya, who was still writing in his notebook, and glancing at Y/N every now and then.
"You've met the twins." Y/N glanced at Hikaru and Kaoru and nodded slightly, wondering what the two gingers were planning as they had this devious grin on their face as they stared at Tamaki.
"And that's-" Haruhi was suddenly cut off when someone tackled Y/N to the ground.
"Hello Haru-kun's twin! I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but you can call me Honey~!" The short blonde cheerfully said as he hugged Y/N and beamed widely.
"Ah, ok then Honey-Senpai." Y/N smiled softly, not aware of some of the hosts that were surprised she could immediately tell that the unusually young looking blonde was older than her, then Y/N glanced at the really tall third year. "And you are?" She questioned, tilting her head in a cute manner.
"That's Mori-Senpai, he doesn't talk much." Haruhi told her, as Y/N smiled softly and nodded in understanding.
"Would you like to eat cake with me N/N-chan?" Honey beamed brightly. "Sure." Y/N smiled and allowed the short blonde to tug her over to a bunch of couches that surrounded a large table filled with varieties of sweets.
"What cake would you like to eat N/N-chan? I like strawberry!" The childish blonde said, tapping his chin as he clutched onto his pink stuffed bunny and looked at the array of sweets, looking super cute. Though what's new?
"I'll have whatever you recommend Honey-Senpai." Y/N politely said, glancing at the tall, dark haired male that had followed them. They've surely known each other a long time. The (H/C) thought with a small smile.
"Here." A deep voice said. Y/N blinked in surprise when she saw a plate of (favorite dessert) placed on her lap, and she glanced up at Mori with a slight grin. "So you do remember." She giggled, before picking up a fork and digging into the (F/D).
"Huh? Does that mean Y/N and Mori-Senpai met before?" The twins questioned in sync as the other hosts watched their two seniors and Haruhi's supposed twin sister.
"Anything's possible when it comes to Y/N." Haruhi simply commented, going into the connected kitchen to begin brewing some 'commoners' coffee, but not before sending a curious glance towards Y/N.
"So what made you come to Ouran, Miss Y/N?" Kyoya asked, standing beside the twins, who as always, was planning something.
Y/N stopped midbite, and then smiled calmly. "I heard Haru-nii came here so I decided to also attend." She said. He's still annoying. She huffed.
"And how did you begin to attend? Entrance exams ended sometime over the summer." Kyoya commented.
Y/N waved her fork around in the air. "I've got a very decent job." She grinned.
"Which would be?" Y/N sighed and placed her plate and fork down, then walked to the Demon King. She then looked up at him, as he was slightly taller than her by a foot.
"Look it up." She said, flicking his nose, then going into the kitchen to see what Haruhi was up to, and leaving behind a bunch of surprised hosts.

___Quick Time Skip___
Y/N boredly sat in the kitchen, where Haruhi told her to stay till the end of Hosting hours. Whatever that means. She scowled.
"He might be older than me in twenty years, but he's not my boss!" Y/N grinned, putting her hair into a messy bun, then grabbed an apron that was hanging on the wall and putting it over the outfit she had worn, and grabbing a tray of tea, cups, and a few plates of sweets, and walking out to where the Hosts and guests were.
As Y/N walked around, she heard many of the girls begin to whisper as they glanced at Y/N. Though Y/N would simply smile and ask if she could get anything for them.
At some point, Y/N had finished passing off everything that was on the tray, and she smiled proudly as she held the tray under her arm.
"Y/N, be of some use and get him out of here." Y/N glanced at Kyoya, who had suddenly appeared beside her, then she looked at the entrance where she saw a male looking around, as if lost.
Sighing, Y/N handed the empty tray to Kyoya, then walked to the male with a gentle smile.
"Can I help you with something sir?" Y/N calmly asked, holding her hands behind her back and now standing in front of the male.
Looking surprised, the boy blushed in embarrassment as he looked at Y/N. "I-I seem to have gotten lost. It's my first week here, do you happen to know where the Art Club is?" He stuttered out.
Y/N tapped her chin, if she could remember the map that Haruhi had drawn up for her correctly...
"Ah, well the Art Club is right across the hall from the Theatre Club upstairs, it's the ninth door on your left, Art room number five." She informed him.
The male instantly seemed a little less confused, and he smiled thankfully at Y/N. "Thank you so much, miss! A-and one other question." He said, tapping his two index fingers together in an innocent way.
"Ask away." Y/N politely said, stifling a laugh.
"Are you a hostess?" Y/N blinked at the sudden question, and tilted her head. "Eh?"
The male blushed even more than he already was. "Y-you're just really pretty, and this is the famous Host Club, so since you're not like...the others around the hosts, I w-was only wondering." He stuttered.
"I appologize, but I'm only visiting my brother, but I'm sure if you recommend me to Ootori over there, I'm sure the next time you come in I'll be here to host you."
Blushing more, the male quickly nodded and left.
Grinning a bit, Y/N dusted her hands together, before yelping as someone tackled her.
"That was great! I don't think anyone could get an Aoi to blush like that!" A certain violet eyed male cheered.
"Really? I didn't mean to make him blush..." Y/N said, scratching her cheek as she watched Tamaki continue to compliment her.
"This gives me an idea! Kyoya, do you think we can get Y/N to be a hostess?!" Tamaki widely smiled over at the onyx orbed male.
Seeming to calculate things in that darn black book of his, Kyoya slowly nodded. "I think we could benefit from Miss Y/N being a hostess." He said.
"Great! Welcome to the Host Club, Miss Fujioka!" Tamaki beamed, hugging Y/N, who looked surprised and confused at what just happened.

(A/N: I appologize, I was a bit rushed for this chapter.)

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