Ch.11: Punish Me (Prt.2)

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-Music Room #3-Honey's Bad Day #2-
Y/N and Mori were both sitting at a table, eating a popsicle that Y/N had broughten as a substitute for not having sweets, and reading a book on their own and enjoying the abnormal silence. Which, of course, never lasted long.
"Takashi! It looks like my cavity got better!" Honey exclaimed, slow-motion running in the direction that Y/N and Mori were sitting at.
"Has it?" Mori casually replied, not looking up from his book.
"The swelling has gone down, too!" Honey declared.
Y/N glanced up from her book.
"Has it?" Mori replied once again.
"So, can I have just one piece of cake?" Honey asked.
Mori suddenly turned in his seat, forcing the popsicle into Honey's mouth as he bit down on it.
Honey cried out and held his cheek in pain, while Mori simply stood up and began walking away.
"Full recovery still seems a long way off." The tall male stated, while Y/N looked between the two in shock.

-Japan-Park-2010/5 years ago/2 years ago-
"How is time traveling going for you?" Takashi asked, glancing at Y/N, who was happily eating (F/Sweets).
Stopping midbite, Y/N glanced at Takashi, before shrugging.
"It's fine, I guess, though it gets a bit boring. Especially since most of the people that I meet are old." The (H/C) answered.
She then shifted on the bench that the two were sitting on, and placed her head on Takashi's lap.
"Though I wouldn't want to be doing anything else, since I wouldn't have met you!" She cheerfully said.
A blush coated Takashi's cheeks, causing Y/N to grin slightly, before she frowned and sat up.
"I wouldn't have met Mitsukuni, either..." She drifted off.
"Stop that. It's not your fault." Takashi suddenly said in a demanding tone, causing Y/N to look at him in shock.
"It is, though, Takashi. If I hadn't stepped on so many butterflies, then he wouldn't have-" the (H/C) was suddenly cut off by the feeling of lips on her own.
"Please don't punish yourself, you couldn't have done anything about it." Takashi softly said once pulling away from the kiss, smiling slightly at Y/N's pink tinted cheeks.

-Music Room #3-Honey's Bad Day #3-
Everyone was sitting around a table, watching Honey with a worried look as the small blonde paced back in forth, looking more than irritated.
"He's on edge." Tamaki, of course, stated the obvious.
"Somebody talk to him. He's scaring me." Hikaru complained.
Kaoru suddenly stood up with wide eyes. "Ah! He's headed for the candy shelves!" He exclaimed.
"Relax. They're all empty, anyways." Kyoya calmly stated.
"Kyoya-senpai, you seem to be in a good mood." Haruhi sweatdropped.
The group then watched Honey pull a teddy bear out of the cabinent, and throw it onot the ground.
"Aw! Not teddy bear again!" Tamaki cried.
Honey then walked out of the kitchen, and fell onto the ground.
"He's given up after three days." Y/N sighed.
Tamaki walked to where Honey was, and softly shook the eldest host.
"H-Honey-senpai?" Tamaki asked, before screaming as Honey suddenly turned and bit the 2nd year.
Everyone's, except Honey's and Tamaki's, attention was then brought to Mori as he stood up and walked over towards the two blonds.
"Mistukuni, don't take it out on other people or things." Mori said.
Honey instantly let go of Tamaki, who cried happily as he rubbed his wrist.
"You saved me. I got away without being eaten." Y/N deadpanned at Tamaki's words.
"It's disgraceful." Mori told Honey, as if Tamaki hadn't said a word.
"Takashi, you..." Honey turned to look at the taller male. "baka!" Honey suddenly grabbed a hold of Mori and flipped him over his shoulder.
Y/N's eyes widened as she instantly stood up, the chair she had been sitting on flying backwards at the force of her standing up.
"Just a little bit won't hurt, right!? You cheapskate! You hardhead! Takashi...Takashi...I hate you!" Honey shouted, before running out of the room.
"Mitsukini!" Y/N reached her hand out to grab the smaller blond, before feeling a hand grab her wrist.
"Tamaki-senpai..." Y/N frowned as she stared at the 2nd year.
"I'll get him." Tamaki promised, before running out of the room after the other.
"Mori-senpai..." Hikaru hesitated as he and Kaoru walked a bit closer to the second eldest of the hosts.
"Hey, are you okay?" Kaoru asked.
The group watched as Mori tried to walk, only to fall down.
"Takashi!" Y/N rushed over to the older male and bent down beside him.
"Takashi, come on, he didn't mean those words. You know how much he cares for you." Y/N frantically said, placing her hands on his shoulders as she looked over his face frantically trying to find any emotion other than pain on the male's face.
"If you're going to act so depressed, you shouldn't have acted in such a way to make him hate you in the first place." One of the twins, Y/N wasn't paying too much attention to anyone other than Mori at the moment to care which one, said.
"Was it on purpose?" Haruhi asked, this being the only thing to cause Y/N to look away from the male.
"Mori-senpai, by any chance, were you trying to get Honey-senpai to hate you?" Haruhi questioned.
" that true?" Y/N whispered as she stared at Mori while the twins denied the male ever even thinking about doing that.
"Why would he do that?" Both of the twins asked in sync.
"Well, in order to punish himself." Haruhi answerd. "Am I wrong?"
"Because it's all my fault." Mori frowned, not looking at any of the other hosts. "Mitsukuni's cavity was due to my carelessness. I forgot to make him brush his teeth before his nap, twice."
"But that's not your fault." Y/N stated.
"That's not your responsibility anyways, right?" The twins looked at each other in confusion.
"If Mitsukuni has to get false teeth, I'll...I'll..." Y/N frowned as she watched how depressed he was. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Mitsukuni hadn't thrown me down."
"The rough treatment he got from Honey-senpai was the punishment that Mori-senpai gave to himself." Kyoya said, as if this whole thing was obvious.
"But even so, this is a bit much for a cavity, isn't it?" The twins asked.
The sound of the doors opening caused Y/N to look surprised when she saw Honey standing in the doorway with Tamaki.
"So there you have it, Honey-senpai. What will you do now?" Tamaki asked the shorter blond.
Tears filled Honey's eyes as he ran towards Mori, Y/N instantly stood by the others.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Takashi!" Honey cried as he pounced and hugged Mori. "I won't ever forget to brush my teeth again!" Honey declared.
Y/N couldn't help but to smile at the heartwarming scene.

-Japan-Morinozuka Mansion-2010/5 years ago/2 years ago-
"Y/N?" Takashi questioned, standing up from his desk and walking quickly towards the teary eyed (H/C).
"Takashi..." Y/N began to speak, before clinging onto said male as tears began to pour from her cheeks.
"Y/N, what's the matter? What happened?" Takashi worriedly stared at the female he embraced.
"I-I have been given an important task, Takashi." Y/N began to explain. "It will lead myself and everyone I care for in great danger."
Takashi tightened his hold on the crying girl.
"Takashi...I will have to leave, and I will never be able to see you again." Y/N's words caused the male to tense up.
"You're not serious." He stated, hoping this was one of the female's jokes.
"I am, Takashi." Y/N hiccuped, and slowly pushed the male away from her.
"Goodbye...Takashi." Y/N whispered, before running out of the room.
Unknown to her, she'll be seeing the male soon.
As well, she was his first crush, and he'd never forget her.

-Ouran Academy-Music Room #3-A week later-2015-
Y/N couldn't help but to grin as she watched the depressing being known as Kyoya.
"It seems that Honey-senpai's snacks are very expensive." Y/N told Haruhi, who looked a bit concerned for the megane.
"Well, it's nice that everything ended happily, don't you think?" Y/N sighed as a bunch of girls squealed at Mori wiping some cream from the cake off of Honey's cheek.
"If you can call it a happy ending." Haruhi sighed.
Y/N couldn't help but to grin, which faltered as she felt a major headache.
"Y/N, are you alright?!" Haruhi questioned frantically as the (H/C) female fumbled to hold onto a table.
"I'm...I'm fine." Y/N answered, only to flinch as she gripped onto the fabric that covered her heart like she had done a couple of days before.
The female then smiled assuringly at Haruhi. "See, all better!" She held up two thumbs.
Even so, Haruhi stared at the female in concern.
"N/N-chan! Come eat this new (Favorite flavor) filled donut!" Honey called out cheerfully.
Laughing softly, Y/N smiled and nodded, skipping over to where the two 3rd years were.
Giving Mori a quick hug, she sat across from Honey and took a bite of the donut happily.
Though I say I'm fine...why is this happening? She thought, (E/C) orbs glancing out the window as the sun looked like it was about to set.

(A/N: Duh duh duhhh)

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