Ch.14: Difference Collide (Prt.2)

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-Next Day-Class 1A-
"Ohayo, Y/N, Haruhi." A voice brought the two 'siblings' from their chat, both of their eyes widened upon seeing the pink haired male in front of them.
"Hikaru? What's up with your hair? Why is it pink?" Haruhi questioned.
"It looks good on me. Isn't it cute? Starting today, the pink one is me." Hikaru grinned proudly.
"You look like a flamingo." Y/N bluntly stated.
Hikaru awkwardly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck while he smiled. "Well, I couldn't bear being mistaken for Kaoru forever." He stated, pausing as the two suddenly looked behind him at a blue haired Kaoru.
"Ohayo, Haruhi, Y/N." Greeted the younger twin.
"Kaoru, you went with blue." Haruhi pointed out the obvious.
"You both look like cotton candy." Y/N snickered.
"Last night, I had the rare chance to gracefully sleep by myself, but I had a bad dream." Kaoru stated while Hikaru went to sit on Haruhi's left. "You see, my hair was dyed pink! Of the most garish shade, in this dream I was having." Smiled the younger brother.
As Kaoru was about to sit down, Hikaru somehow kicked the chair out from under him, cuasing Haruhi to sweatdrop while Y/N's laughter only increased in her seat between her 'brother' and Kaoru.
Kaoru scowled at Hikaru, before pulling out the chair from under the pink haired male's chair and causing him to fall. Before anyone knew it, the two were throwing things back and forth, including Honey?

-Y/N's Free Period-
Y/N was in one of the libraries, where she had found herself in during her free periods since she began attending Ouran. She had a tower of books of various titles beside her, and she was currently nose deep into a book.
The female's (E/C) gaze was drawn towards the pink haired male as he made a loud 'bang' when he dropped his French text book onto the table and the screech of the chair he pulled out to sit across from the young time traveler.
"This isn't your study hall." She said, tone slightly curious at the sudden appearance of Hikaru.
"No, but if I had to spend one more class period with that jerk I will pull out my hair!" Hikaru exclaimed.
Y/N chuckled and shook her head. "Your little conflict is getting a bit out of hand, don't you think?" She questioned.
"He started it." Hikaru stated.
"And if you're not careful someone else will finish it." Y/N retorted.
The two then awkwardly went to their book of choice, until Hikaru cleared his throat and caught Y/N's attention once more.
"You're good at learning new languages, right?" He questioned her.
"You're talking to a girl who learned Japanese, Russian, and Danish in the same week. So I think your answer is obvious." Y/N replied with a teasing smile.
"Can you help me with my French?" Hikaru bashfully questioned.
Y/N blinked, before her kind smile seemed to widen. "You're serious?" She asked.
"Y-yeah. I mean, you look busy but I need to pass this test next period." Hikaru explained.
"I don't mind! I've got one of the original copies in the TM anyways." Y/N said, closing the book which the title read of 'Frankenstein'.
"You have one of the original copies of the creator of Science Fiction?" Hikaru questioned in amazement.
"You sound surprised." Y/N chuckled. "Now then, what are you having problems with?" She asked, sitting on the table and knowing she wouldn't get in trouble. There was no librarian to be seen ever.
"Everything." Hikaru groaned as he face planted onto the hard cover of his text book, causing Y/N to laugh at the red mark that appeared on his forehead when he looked back up at her, a slight smile twitching at his lips.

-Lunch-Next Day-
"Amazing, they're even fighting in sync." Y/N spoke Haruhi's thoughts aloud as they watched the Hitachiins bickering near the lunch line.
"I thought it was getting noisy in here. Are you two still fighting? You're embarrassing the Host Club." Tamaki frowned as himself and the other hosts walked into the cafeteria.
"Okay, break! You're both to blame for this fight." Honey stated, standing between the twins and pulling out a strawberry shortcake. "Hika-chan and Kao-chan, go halfsies on this cake and make up! Okay?" He beamed, flowers surrounding the oldest member of the club. "Oh, but I want to eat some, too, so I guess we have to go thirdsies. We can't split the strawberry, so what do we do? N/N-chan, maybe you can have it, because you like strawberries. Oh, but I like strawberries too. Hika-chan and Kao-chan, do you like strawberries too?" Honey looked genuinely concerned, while the two cotton candy colored brothers looked even more irritated.
"Save him, Takashi." Y/N sighed, placing her hand over her face, as Mori instantly went and picked Honey up, before coming back to the table and setting the eldest down beside Y/N.
"You're just making the situation worse, so stop." Mori told Honey.
"Oh! Haruhi! Y/N! Fancy running into you in the cafeteria!" Tamaki looked like an excited puppy, suddenly realizing that the two 'commoners' were sitting right in front of him.
"Haruhi was concerned about those two, and followed them here without thinking. I followed him." Y/N explained, expertly cutting the strawberry from Honey's cake into a half so the two could share it.
"We just have our boxed lunches, so I wanted to eat in the classroom." Haruhi sighed.
"Bento?" Tamaki was pulled into his fantasy world. "Even if your box lunch did have an embarrassing heart in it, I would not hesitate to eat it!" He exclaimed.
"I don't know what you're talking about, but I do know that your delusions are always incoherent." Kyoya insisted as he carried his tray of food past Tamaki.
"What do you have in your box lunch?" Hikaru questioned as he came to the table with his tray of foods and sat between Haruhi and Y/N.
"Yesterday's simmered leftovers, some rolled omelet, and such." Haruhi informed him.
"Switch with me. I ordered something different from Kaoru, and ended up with all the stuff that I hate." Hikaru stated, switching their trays.
"Sure, okay..." Haruhi sighed, glancing at the expensive delacicies infront of him.
Y/N placed her cheek on the palm of her hand as she watched Haruhi's reaction to his first bite of real food. "How cute." She murmured. "Haru-nii, isn't it good? You want some of mine too?" She cheerfully questioned.
"Do you not have a bento, too, Y/N?" Kaoru questioned, sitting on the other side of the young time traveler.
"I insisted that Haru-nii got the leftovers. I have my own money to spend anyways." The (H/C) stated with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Then we can switch, Y/N." Hikaru insisted, holding up the bento he had yet to open.
"I wouldn't do that to you, Hikaru, I got the same lunch as Kaoru anyways." Y/N stated, pointing out that she did, indeed, have the same foods that were on Kaoru's own tray.
"Then just a bite." Hikaru smiled, unwrapping the bento and using the chopsticks to pick at the leftovers and held it up to Y/N's lips, only for it to be swiped by Kaoru. "Butt out." Hikaru scowled at his younger brother.
Kaoru scowled at his pink haired twin, before picking up a bowl of crème soup and throwing it at his face. Except Hikaru had grabbed Tamaki's tie and pulled him into the projection of the food.
And once more the two began to throw things at one another. Including Mori and Honey?
"I think I'll eat in the classroom after all." Haruhi murmured, grabbing his bento and walking away.

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