Ch.7: Shopping with the Hosts! Or...Not

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(A/N: I mainly chose the song because some of the lyrics are 'I'm killing time, and time's killing you', and I thought that'd be great for the time traveler theory.)

-Fujioka Household-Saturday-Day 27-
Y/N had the day planned out.
First she'll eat breakfast with Ranka and Haruhi, then go to work on her time machine till after the lunch rush, afterwards she'll go to grab something at a nearby fastfood place, before coming back to the apartment and play some video games with Haruhi if the Host Club didn't kidnap him for something stupid again.
The plan seemed easy enough, though as soon as Y/N was walking towards where her time machine was hidden, she accidentally ran into a black haired girl who had a cute blonde kid excitedly walking with her.
"I'm really sorry!" Y/N quickly apologized.
"No, no, it's alright, me and Wataru-kun really should have watched where we were going." the older female quickly said, while the small blonde pouted and tugged on the female's sleeve.
"Azumi-nee, I still wanna go to the park." he whined.
The older girl sighed, before smiling at the boy. "Ok Wataru-kun." she said, before looking back at Y/N. "I'm Gou Azumi*, let's meet up some time." She smiled, offering Y/N a card, before the small blonde pulled her across the street towards the playground.
Y/N laughed softly, thinking that the boy was a lot like Honey, before glancing down at the card. "Hmm...? A journalist, how cool." Y/N muttered, putting the card into her jean pocket, and then continuing on her way to where her time machine was, only to be stopped once again.
"Y/N!" Sighing, the (H/C) female glanced over her shoulder to see the twins rushing over to her.
"What are you guys doing in this part of town?" Y/N curiously questioned as she glanced up at the twins.
"We decided to look around the commoners mall." Kaoru answered. "It was all the boss' idea." Hikaru then added.
"Of course it was." Y/N smiled as she shook her head, then remembered that Haruhi said something about shopping at the mall later that day. "Well, you guys have fun then." Y/N waved, automatically beginning to walk away before she got pulled into their antics.
"Oh no you don't." the twins stated, grabbing ahold of both of her arms. "This is a club activity, so you'll be coming with us." They smirked.
"Aw crap." Y/N sighed, going limp in their hold as they carried her to the entrance of the mall, in which the rest of the Host Club was waiting, with Mori holding a knocked out Kyoya.
"Uh, do I wanna know?" Y/N questioned as she was placed back on the ground and motioned to Kyoya.
"Kyo-chan fell asleep in the limo on the way here." Honey explained.
It is a bit early for rich snobs to be up. Y/N thought as she eyed the group. "Oh, ok then." She smiled, before side stepping Tamaki's attempt of tackle hugging the young time traveler.
"What brings you here to the mall little sister?!" Tamaki excitedly questioned.
"Thing One and Thing Two." Y/N bluntly answered as she pointed in the direction of the twins, who grinned and made a piece sign with their fingers.
"Well then I'm glad you agreed to joining us, maybe you can show us around!" Tamaki stated, grabbing both of Y/N's hands and looking at her hopefully.
I really don't want to spend time with a bunch of idiots. Y/N sighed. "Fine." she agreed, walking in with the five males -Kyoya wasn't exactly walking, so he doesn't count-. "Just stay to-" She began to speak, before turning back to the others, only to see Tamaki awkwardly smiling and waving. "-gether...Where the heck could they have disappeared to so quickly!?" Y/N shouted, looking around in confusion.
"I think the twins went to a clothing store and Honey-senpai went to a sweets shop with Mori-senpai." Tamaki said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Of course that's where they went." Y/N sighed. "Can I use your phone?" Y/N asked, holding her hand out towards Tamaki.
"Sure!" Tamaki gladly handed over his cellphone.
"Thanks." Y/N smiled, opening the contacts and quickly texting Kaoru and Mori, before handing the cellphone back to Tamaki. "Alright, come on, it's a big place so we've got a lot of ground to cover if you want a tour." Y/N told the blonde, who was curiously eyeing his phone, before quickly snapping his attention to Y/N.
"Very well then, let's go." He smiled, while Y/N nodded.

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