Ch.5: Meeting The Otaku and the Tsun!

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(A/N: Please click the picture to view the whole thing if you can't see it, p.s. pretend the blonde is Y/N to compare her height with Haruhi's.)

-Ouran Academy-Music Room #3-Tuesday-Day 16-
It had been two eventful days since the Ouran Ball, and everything was basically just as it was before.
The hosting hours had just ended, and as Y/N was about to close the huge white doors to the 'abandoned' music room, she was practically thrown off her feet as the doors were swung wide open, and an eerie laugh soon followed. "Oh-Hahahaha!"
Rubbing her forehead with an annoyed expression, Y/N's (E/C) orbs locked on a female that was wearing the usual ugly yellow uniform with a large pink bow in her hair.
"R-Renge!?" All of the hosts shouted in surprise.
"Oui~ It is me, your loveable and kind manager~!" The female shouted proudly, one of her hands on her waist and the other pointing at the seven males, well six, since Haruhi had the decency to help Y/N up from the ground.
"Manager? I thought Kyoya-Senpai was the manager." Y/N spoke up, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Oh, well, actually-" Tamaki began to explain, before the mysterious 'manager' suddenly dashed over to Y/N, sparkles in her wide honey brown orbs as she grabbed Y/N's hands.
"Oh my~! You look just like (Most resembled anime heroine)!" She squealed.
An anime sweatdrop appeared on Y/N as she stared at the overly excited blonde(A/N:Is she?) in confusion. "Eh?"
"Just ignore her Y/N, she's just an Otaku." The twins said with a bored look as they leaned against the other's back.
"I'm not just an Otaku!" The female shouted, letting go of Y/N's hands and jumping onto a circular stage that just suddenly appeared. "My name is Hoshakuji Renge, the Host Clubs official manager, and Haruhi-kun's fiancé!"
"Eh!? Haru-nii, you didn't tell me that you had a fiancé!" Y/N pouted childishly as she looked over at her 'brother'.
"She's not my fiancé, Y/N." Haruhi sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and looking just slightly annoyed.

____Quick Time Skip____
After the hosts explained their...unusual first meeting with Renge, who had wanted Kyoya as her fiancé since he resembled an Otome game character that she loved so much, they also told the (H/C) of how Renge forced them to make a movie where they were basically not themselves -Y/N couldn't help but to laugh when she heard about Mori's character-.
Then they told Y/N how Haruhi saved Renge from crashing into stuff when a bunch of rough looking boys pushed her, and Haruhi had told Renge that it was more important what was on the inside than the outside and that she should learn more about someone before she decides whether-or-not she likes them.
Y/N also found out that Renge had gone to France, where she originally comes from, for the past two months, the reason as to why Y/N hadn't met her before.
"It's so nice to meet you Y/N-chan! It'll be so much fun having another girl around!" Renge beamed, clapping her hands together, before turning to the hosts where her hair turned into snakes and she suddenly turned scary. "THOUGH YOU GUYS SHOULD HAVE CONSULTED ME BEFORE YOU MADE THE DECISION TO ADD A HOSTESS, SO BE HAPPY THAT SHE'S HARUHI-KUN'S SISTER!" She shouted, scaring the hosts, except Mori and Kyoya, of course, and Haruhi stood beside Y/N with a pale expression.
"You know, Renge-chan, because you like anime so much, I was wondering if you have any suggestions. I heard one group of girls talking about Mandarin High School Hostess Club*." Y/N innocently smiled, crossing her arms behind her back.
Renge squealed and practically clung to Y/N, much to her inner annoyment. "I'll do whatever I can to make you a dedicated Otaku like me, Imouto!"
Did she just call me her little sister? Y/N's eye began to twitch, showing she was getting agitated, and this concerned and scared the hosts.
Though, before Y/N could burst, the doors were slammed open, revealing a red haired male with a scary scowl.
"Basa Nova-chi?" The twins questioned in sync.
"Casanova-kun, what're you doing here?" Haruhi asked, uncrossing his arms and smiling friendly towards the redhead.
"A-Ah, Fujioka." The red head's face turned pink in embarrassement.
Renge squealed, causing Y/N to flinch and glare at the female, who was oblivious as she pulled out a pair of binoculars.
How annoying. Y/N clicked her tongue, then tugged on Mori's sleeve, causing the really tall male to look at her.
"Mori-Senpai, who's that talking to Haruhi?" Y/N asked, tilting her head cutely.
Blushing slightly at the cute and innocent expression, Mori quietly cleared his throat. "Kasanoda."
At the sound of his name, the red haired male looked in Y/N's and Mori's direction, blushing even more when he noticed the pretty (H/C) female.
"You must be the new hostess." Kasanoda said, sounding nervous yet tough at the same time.
"Hai." Y/N smiled widely at the male, slightly surprising him. "I'm Fujioka Y/N, Haru-nii's my twin brother!" The female bowed.
"A-ah, I-I see." TWO FUJIOKA'S!? Animated tears ran down the gangster's cheeks.
"Basa Nova-chan is Takashi's apprentice!" Honey cheerfully stated as he got onto Mori's shoulders, clutching onto Usa-chan.
"Apprentice? Why did you wanna be Mori-senpai's apprentice, Kasanoda-kun?" Y/N innocently asked.
"T-to be less scary to other people." Kasanoda said, surprised that she actually said his real name, which not even Haruhi called him.
"Less scary? Mm...I don't think you're scary at all, Kasanoda-kun." Y/N smiled, only to be suddenly tackled by the idiotic trio *cough* the twins and Tamaki *cough*.
"My little sister is so kind! So gentle!" Tamaki cooed, as the twins continuously called Y/N cute, all three unaware of the dark aura surrounding the female.
Mori hid himself, Honey, and Haruhi behind one of the couches, Kasanoda looked scared and confused on what the scary aura was, Renge was at a safe distance as she watched everything intrigued and amused, and Kyoya nonchalantly continued to write in his black notebook.
"BAKAS! You're too close!" Y/N shouted, knocking the three males off of her and glaring at them.
"Y/N is so scary." The twins anime cried, as Tamaki went to his emo corner and muttered somethingo along the lines of 'scary', 'usually so cute', 'why does little sister hate me?'.

(Mandarin High School Hostess Club: Mandarin HS is my school's name, and I once joked with my friend who told me to watch OHSHC that we should open a Hostess Club. The storyline for this 'anime' will basically be the same as OHSHC, just genderbent.)

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