Ch.14: Differences Collide (Prt.1)

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[A/N: That moment you start a fanfic in 2015 and it's now 2017. 😅 To be honest, I thought I'd be finished with this story by now and I apologize for my long hiatus.]

-Host Club Room-1 week after vacation-
Y/N and Haruhi currently had no customers, so the two 'siblings' took it upon themselves to help the other hosts by cleaning up what messes they could find, or by serving tea.
"Haruhi! Y/N! Why don't you take a guess?!" The twins called out, grinning as the two began to walk by, Y/N holding a tray of used dishes and Haruhi a tray of clean tea cups and a still warm tea kettle.
"A guess at what?" Y/N blinked, looking at the twins in mild interest, as she was usually amused by the twins' shenanigans, especially when it involved Tamaki.
"At the 'Who is Hikaru' Game!" The two cheered.
"It's so hard to figure out." Smiled one of the twins' guests, a shy looking brunette with a bobcut.
"They both look so alike!" Whined a different female with longer hair.
"There has never been one person who could really tell us apart before." The twins stated with a confident grin.
"That sounds so dull." Y/N sighed, as she knew it'd be too easy, especially with their hair the way it was.
"I still can't quite figure out why you two are so popular." Haruhi sighed, shaking his head.
"That's telling us." Both of the males deadpanned, before leaning both of their elbows on the slightly shorter male. "Apparently, Haruhi doesn't..." Kaoru began to say. "...understand the merits of having twins in the Host Club." Hikaru finished.
Y/N sighed and placed her tray onto one of the tables, before sitting with a couple of the guests to watch the twins give their explanation on how they're so popular.
Just having a couple of good-looking homosexuals earns plenty of high points. And making a show of teetering between that and friendship is also desirable. But in our case, being twins, we get to use this most forbidden of taboos as a weapon.
"On top of that," Hikaru said as he and Kaoru came to where Y/N was sitting, both placing their index fingers under her chin, "there's the scenario of having two people, who have such deep ties to each other, loving you at the same time." He stated.
"It's the ultimate young woman's romance, right?" Kaoru questioned with a matching smirk to his older brother.
"I'd punch you both if we didn't have any customers around." Y/N simply replied, having a closed eyed smile expression while the other guests fangirled over the two males.
Tamaki suddenly ran over, in a cloud of dust, and a laptop in his hand. "Hikaru! Kaoru! I let you have control of the club's homepage on the condition that you would take it seriously!" He shouted.
"And we are taking it seriously." Hikaru insisted. "We were up until dawn last night working on it." Kaoru added.
"And this is the screen that you made!?" Tamaki, continuing to shout, as he opened the laptop and showed the picture of Haruhi shirtless.
"Haru-chan, you look great!" Honey exclaimed, while Mori held him up to look at the picture over the heads of many of the guests who also wanted to look at the photos.
"Hitachiins..." Y/N growled, a dark aura covering her figure and causing everyone to take atleast ten steps away from her, except Haruhi who looked like an empty husk.
"When?!" Shouted Tamaki, now standing in front of the twins, and letting the girls take over his laptop.
"Huh?" Both twins asked in confusion.
"When did you take nude photos of Haruhi?!" Tamaki shouted at them, his head growing in size. The blond then had a vision of the twins promising Haruhi fancy tune so they could take the pictures and (F/F) to Y/N to allow them to.
"You're intensely delusional." The twins shrugged. "It's all photoshopped, of course."
Y/N seemed to relax upon hearing them say that and that they hadn't taken advantage of Haruhi's naïve behavior.
"We did a good job, didn't we?" Boasted Kaoru. "Magnificent skill, if I do say so myself." Hikaru followed afterwards.
"You idiots! What a wasted us of your skills! Have some shame!" Tamaki scolded, tickmarks appearing around him. "But if you are going to do it, photoshop Y/N with this idol photo collection." He said, showing the two a magazine while Y/N tried to comfort Haruhi.
"That would be silly, sir. It would be quicker..." HIkaru began. "To ask her yourself."
"Y-yeah, I could ask her." Tamaki agreed, looking surprised, before sneaking his way over to the two Fujioka 'siblings'. "What do you think about this?" He asked Y/N, holding up a pink frilly dress.
"Why do you have that?" Honey asked curiously.
"Haruhi-kun looks so good!" One fan squealed at a nearby table. "Still, like Tamaki-sama says, I'd sure like to see Y/N-chan dressed in more feminine clothing." Said a different guest. "She's so cute, I'm sure they would look good on her." Agreed another guest.
Haruhi's spirit instantly went back into his body, as himself and Y/N glared at Tamaki, which caused him to cry silently while shuffling away.
"Would you stop photoshopping pictures of him without my permission?" Y/N scolded the twins, looking aggravated.
"Just what do you take other people to be?" Haruhi agreed, thankful that the female was on his side.
Both of the twins smirked, arms wrapped around one another. "Isn't that obvious? Toys." They stated.

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