Information-Before You Read

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Name : Y/N L/N
Nickname : N/N
Gender : Female
Age : 16
Romantic interest(s) : Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Male!Haruhi Fujioka
Date of birth : (Month) (Day), 2090
Blood type : (B/T)
Ethnicity : (Asian/American/European/Ect.)
Height : 5'4
Occupation : Time Traveler
Appearance : (H/L) (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, (S/C) skin
Clothing Description~
*Future/Her Present: She wears silver clothing, which in that time period shows she's a time traveler and high status
*Their Present~
•At Ouran: The boy's blazer and a white skirt
•Casual: Usually jeans and a blouse
*Any other time: Whatever the time period people are wearing-In the story she just appears from Midevil England wearing a (F/C) dress that matches the theme
Personality : She acts kind, polite, and innocent. In reality, though, she's actually a troublemaker who knows just about anything and everything, and she's not afraid to make fun of someone and hurt their feelings. I guess you can say she's bipolar or has two-faces.
History : Y/N was born as a L/N, which were known to have invented the time machine in 2060. When Y/N was 7, she began to use the time machine, and it was her job since then to make sure not to step on any butterflies and make sure everything happens as planned. At age 8, she meets the Hitachiin twins first in December 20, 2008. She meets Tamaki Suoh in France when she was 9 in the year 2005, then Kyoya a little later in year 2011. Then she met 'Honey' and 'Mori' when she was 12, the year 2005, where her time machine first broke down. She pretended to go to their school for two months, before getting her machine to work again and she left. She's gone on many adventures, like building the pyramids, joining in on the Civil War, and even being part of World War I, II, and III.
The boy you end up with : ( optional )
Additional information~
•She can easily lie and get away with things
•Knew the hosts at some point and has kept tabs on them throughout her adventures
•Year takes place in 2015

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