1; It Begins

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'Cool Girl' by Tove Lo

"You can run free, won't hold it against you.

You do your thing, never wanted a future."

The classroom's fluorescent lights were switched off, causing the group of adolescents to freeze in their positions. Footsteps could be heard outside of the door, echoing in our ears. The shadows of ghostly silent shoes traced the light under the door with anxiousness.

Nervousness tickled our spines as the door opened ever so slightly, a loud snap echoed through the room. Snapping sounds broke the silence. One after another, a long chain reaction, exploded across the room. My fingers found the light switch and flicked it on as a groan left the groups mouths. The tile floor was littered with inactive mousetraps.

The adolescent prank was ruined, an hour of careful work wasted.

"Oh, come on! Seriously? Do you know how long it took for us to set all of this up?" the blonde cheerleader, Caroline, asked.

"Forgot about senior prank night, huh?" Tyler asked his fellow football team player, Matt Donovan, leaning on a desk. Matt Donovan was the ghostly person who had opened the door and had destroyed the prank and all its glory.

"Clearly," Matt scoffed, gesturing to the snapped traps that covered the floor.

"How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since, like, freshman year!" Caroline groaned.

"Yeah, Matt, if I'm doing this, you're doing this," my twin sister, Elena, pointed at him with an easy smirk.

"I wouldn't have done this either, but what better way to torture teachers?" I asked rhetorically as a wicked smirk stretched across my face. I imagined the look on my favorite teacher slash guardian, Alaric Saltzman.

"I'm kinda surprised any of you are doing this," Matt huffed, looking around at the prank crew.

"Caroline is making us," Bonnie, Elena's best friend, confessed quietly from across the room.

"We're going to be seniors. They're the memories that will stay with us forever, and-" Caroline started to explain passionately.

"-and if we don't create these memories now then what's the point of it all?" Elena and I finished together with a mocking smile. I crossed my arms in triumph as Caroline's eyes rolled.

"Go ahead. Make fun. I don't care," Caroline huffed defensively.

"You're all lame. And I've got two more classrooms to prank," Tyler told us all playfully, walking through the door with an ecstatic look. Elena and I smiled at each other then walked towards the door together, a thought out plan already in our minds.

"Wait, where are you two going?" Bonnie asked us.

"To superglue Alaric's desk shut," we answered together.

"Making memories," Elena added, smiling at Caroline.

Caroline shot us an unwanted smile, watching us go through the door.

"I love you!" Elena and I heard Caroline shout after us.

We laugh at Caroline and walk past Tyler who just ordered some of our other classmates to stretch saurian wrap over the faculty toilet seats.


Elena and I chuckled at Tyler's prank and opened double doors leading into the next hallway. We turned to head towards the history hallway only to come face to face with the devil himself; Niklaus Mikaelson.

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