The Water That Drowns Us

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After last night, Klaus refused to speak about what happened. I know what he was trying to do. He was pushing me away as hard as he could. I knew that he was going to do this to a extreme extent.

He hid in his snarky comments, anger, and deviousness.

I decided the hide as well, in the St. James Infirmary where Hayley has been an amazing friend and took care of Eden there. I held Eden in my arms as Hayley and Jackson spoke about what Elijah told them about Dahlia.

She came to the compound this morning... in Madame LaRue's dead body.

Why does she have to be so gross?

"Okay. Good news, Dahlia still doesn't know that we're here. Bad news, she's given us till tomorrow night and then she's coming for Eden." Hayley explains. "Then, I say we get the hell out of here." Jackson tells us.

"I want to get Eden out of here as much as you guys do, but think for a minute." I whisper. "Freya told us that Dahlia is drawn to Eden's magic. No matter how far we go, she'll always be one step behind us. The place is cloaked, we at least have a chance here." I tell them.

"No one can do magic here. Not Hope or Dahlia." Hayley states.

"The bad thing is, is since it's cloaked, my Feeler abilities bit the dust. If Dahlia gets in here I'll have to conjure every ounce of power just to keep up with her. I could beat her ass with vamp abilities, but there's no way I'm winning." I tell them.

"If this magic like this can break, then I say we run while we can." Jackson urges.

I set Eden in her play crib.

"It's going to be risky either way. She's just so little. It's not fair. Witchcraft, blood, Original family, enemies. She didn't ask for any of it. Which means she wouldn't miss it if it was gone. Maybe that's it. Dahlia can only sense her when she's using magic. So, what if there's a way of stopping her from using it in the first place?" I ask.

"She's just a baby. How're we gonna do that?" Jackson asked.

"I have an idea. Although dangerous. Especially now." I tell them.

"Let me do it. Whatever it is. It's my fault you guys didn't get away yesterday." Aiden urged us from the doorway.

"It wasn't your fault, it was mine for being so reckless." I scoff.

"Please, let me just make it up to you guys." Aiden urged.

We looked between at each other. 

Jackson nodded.


I called Klaus about five times receiving his voicemail every time. I'm frustrated that he can't just realize I'm here for him. I know that I won't be soon, but I still will be there, just protecting our daughter from afar.

I fixed Eden's jacket onto her petite body, her bright blue eyes looking at me.

I heard a singeing sound, ery and cold. I look towards the door and pick up Eden protectively in my arms.

Vines, leaves, dahlias.

A guard stood beside me. 

"They're dahlias. She knows we're here." I whisper.

I set Eden down in the her play crib and grabbed my phone. I dialed Elijah, since he's the only one who would answer, but no signal. "Oh, come on. Not even one phone call, wicked witch bitch?" I sneer.

I tried the phone on the wall, but just static. 

I turn to the werewolf. "I need to you to find help. Klaus, Elijah, anyone. Go." I order. The werewolf runs out the door and I stand defensively in front. A chill ran down my spine as a shrill whistle carried out into the old bar.

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