3; In The Middle of Nowhere

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'WILD' by Troye Sivan

"'Cause there's still too long to the weekend. 

Too long till I drown in your hands."

My shoulder shook, but I thought nothing of it. A hearty sigh echoed through the silence, then a slam. An opening sound and lights shone through my lids. Arms wrapped around me, around my shoulders and my knees.

I snuggled further into the warmth. The smell so alluring and calming. Sandalwood and strong mint. The sound of a slow beating heart and the feeling of soft breathing, inhaling, exhaling. Soft moving underneath me.

Finally, a silk ocean welcomed me. One shoe after another, then socks, and jeans disappeared, but the cold was replaced with a cocoon of softness.

A dip by my thigh. A tender touch on my cheek. A strand of hair moved. A few words, "she's not like the others". The softness moved up to my chin. Knuckles against my jaw. A "goodnight".

Then nothing.


Rays of sunshine blinded and made me unbearably hot under the mountain of softness. I groaned and moved to the other side of the bed, but now it was too cold. I can never win can I?

I groaned and sat up in the bed. I observed the room, which was pretty plain, a desk, a bed, a walk-in closet, and a connected bathroom. I realized that I was still dressed in the clothes Klaus gave me to wear yesterday.

I walked into the bathroom to see a large bath and shower combo. I looked in to see all the many hygienic necessities on the counter. I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was quite greasy and I looked like a mess. I shed the layers of bloody clothes.

I grabbed the soaps and conditioners needed and hopped into the shower. Turning the shower to cold first, I stood under the freezing spray. I looked down to see the dried blood on my skin swirl down the drain.

It was overwhelming. Everything that could go wrong, went horribly wrong. My life was gone. My family was alive, but they would never know when I would fade. I was with him. The author of my nightmare.

A sob left my lips and I pushed my now wet hair back. Why? Why did this have to happen to us? My family? A curse, that's all I will ever be. No, that's all that he'll ever be.

I sniffed and switched the coldness for heat. I finished my shower and stepped out. I found a white fluffy towel off the rack next to the sink and wrapped myself in it. I opened the bathroom door and watched the steam whirl out into the open air.

Sitting on the bed, I looked out the window. It was definitely mountainous, the leaves began to turn for Autumn, but the pine trees stayed their vibrant green. It was strange that Klaus picked out Montana of all places.

Two other doors apart from the bathroom stood out in the room. Standing up from the bed, I walked over to the closest door. Opening it and turning the light on, I saw a whole bunch of clothes hanging on the racks. It was a closet.

I looked at one of the shirts, wondering whose it was. I observed it and realized that the tag was still on. In fact, all of the clothes had tags. All of them were my size. I snorted at Klaus's annoying creepy tactics.

I grabbed a pair of black jeans, a red sweater, and fluffy socks. I quickly pulled them on and they fit like a glove. I wrapped the towel around my shoulders and opened the second door, which led into a hallway.

Walking down the hall, I tried to familiarize myself with the surroundings. I find a staircase and figure that that's my best bet. Walking down the stairs, looking at the paintings on the walls. Most of them looked older, but I was caught by one.

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