2; I Tell You Time and Time Again

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'Ride' by Twenty One Pilots

"All these questions they're forming like, 'Who would you live for?', '

Who would you die for?', and 'Would you ever kill?"

Klaus has been driving all night in this stupid sports car of his. I didn't trust sleeping in the same space as him, but that's what ended up happening. I fell asleep pretty early in the morning and woke up when the sun shone into my eyes.

My eyes squinted through the bright rays and I yawned, stretching through my grogginess. My eyes watered when I stopped my early morning stretch, my eyes caught Klaus's figure still driving. On hand on the steering wheel while the other held up his head. I looked around to the outside scenery, we were driving through beautiful flat plains and a vibrant sunrise.

"Where could we possibly be driving to?" I ask the Hybrid groggily.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake, I see. The Rocky Mountains has some legendary werewolf packs roaming around," Klaus replies, barely even glancing at me.

"Where are we now?" I asked looking out the window at the beautiful scenery again.


"Can we stop somewhere? I'd much rather not be caked in my sister's blood," I tell him, looking down at my bloody white shirt. I sigh and open the visor to reveal a mirror inside. I wrinkle my nose at the sight. My brown hair is in tangles, circles hung darkly under my dark eyes, and my skin was oily and spotted. I flip the visor shut and look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"If that's your way of asking how you look, love, then you look fine," Klaus assured me.

"I don't smell fine. I smell like the school locker room. I feel gross," I cringe at the filth I was covered in. "If you expect me to stay in this for a month, then you are sorely mistaken. You probably won't want to deal with a pissy teenager for however long you want to keep me for," I add.

Klaus finally turns his gaze towards me and I tilt my head, raising an eyebrow. Klaus shook his head.

"Come on," I groan.

"Where we are going will have some clothes that will fit you, if not, there is a store where we can get clothes. We don't need to get clothes all the way out here," Klaus told me.

I huffed and crossed my arms, "then can we at least go for breakfast?"

Klaus was silent before he sighed and turned into an exit. We drove until Klaus found a cafe he thought would suffice. We exited the car and Klaus stopped me on the sidewalk. "Wait here," he ordered me. Klaus went to the back seat and I sighed heavily.

An old woman passed me with a worried look on her face when she saw the mess I was with the blood-stained shirt. I smiled awkwardly and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. Klaus came back with a grey shirt and handed it to me. I scoff and snatch the shirt from his hands.

"So you bring clothes for yourself but not your prisoner, I see how it is," I scoff, shaking my head. I throw the shirt over my head and grab the hem, bringing it down to its resting position in the middle of my thigh.

Klaus rolled his eyes and opened the cafe door for me. I scoff at this act of 'kindness', but I know that it's his security that I don't run away. I enter the cafe and see a waitress. "I'll be with you two shortly," she assured us. I smiled and sat at a table for two, Klaus sitting across from me. I grab a menu from the centerpiece on the table and look through it. Klaus did the same and we were silent.

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