37; Sand On Bourbon Street

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'Stay Here' by Sam Pinkerton

"Come out from your hole, raise your head, be bold.

Sorry, I expected more, I have more faith in you than you, yourself.

Chasing someone else's dream and pleasing everybody but yourself."

I strode into Klaus's room. He was painting, per usual. I snaked my arms around his waist, burying my face into his back, smelling his scent. He tensed slightly, meaning something is wrong.

"Hm, what's wrong, love?" I ask him.

"Off day."

"Want me to make it better?" I ask. I spin him around and put my arms around his neck. "I love you," I smile, kissing him. I let go. "Mm! So, Fjörgyn has taught me a lot over the week! I think I'm getting to the point where I'm no longer killing myself," I laugh. "But, I got to go. Important things to do, as in to eat. Cookies are calling my name," I smile, placing my lips to the corner of his mouth.

I place my lips on his jaw and he is still tense. "Tell me when you're out of this funk, okay? I want to kiss you again without feeling like I just stabbed you," I chuckle and peck his lips again before leaving.


It's been a long, boring day. Nothing has popped up, even Fjörgyn. I was happy about that. I needed a day rest. I knew that cuddling up to Klaus is going to make that all the better.

I decided to show Klaus 'Supernatural' tonight. I have the season one box set in one hand and a glass bowl of popcorn in the other.

I open our room and stop in my tracks. I was hardly breathing. Genevieve was in her sexy underwear while she was touching Klaus's exposed back.

The glass bowl of popcorn slipped out of my hand and crashed to the ground, shattering into a million pieces. The box set slipped from my hand and ascended to the floor. The sound caused Klaus and Genevieve spin to face me.

Klaus's face paled, while the witch smirked.

"Get. Out," I sneer to Genevieve.

She huffed and stalked past me, stopping beside me. "It was fantastic just to let you know," she smiled wickedly. I felt my blood heat up and using what Fjörgyn taught me. I pushed her against the wall and stared her down.

"Don't you ever, ever, underestimate me, Genevieve. The second you do, I will make the rest of your miserable life hell. You will leave, and if I still feel you inside my house? Your head will be a decorating piece for the cemetery gate, do we understand each other?" I ask, my voice on fire. I let her go and she quickly leaves, I wait thirty seconds, and feel her leave out the door.

I looked at Klaus, hurt and betrayed as a tear left my eye. I turn around and he caught my arm in his. I spin around and get into his face. "Tell me! How long? How long have I been so clueless to the very fact that you've been fucking the enemy?" I scream at him.

"Harper-" He starts.

"I will never trust another fucking word that comes out of your mouth. There could never be an explanation good enough to justify your affairs," I hiss walking away. Klaus grabbed my wrist again, I spun around and punched him square in the jaw.

I was always good at that.

"Don't you dare touch me! Not while you were touching her. How did it feel? Was her skin softer than mine, did make you feel like I make you feel, did her kiss make your stomach flip? Did she love you like I did?" Tears left my eyes uncontrollably.

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