8; The Fake Original Ball

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'All We Do' by Oh Wonder

"I've been upside down.

I don't wanna be the right way round.

Can't find paradise on the ground."

Klaus told me to leave the Mikaelson residence to ensure that his siblings wouldn't be the cause of my death. He told me that he wanted me to be safe. Has Klaus ever said that to anyone? If he had, it was probably to his siblings, not a human being.

Before I drove off, Klaus waved to me to stop the car, and so I did. I rolled down the window and raised my eyebrow. He handed me two envelopes with Elena's and my name scrolled on each one.

"These are yours and your sisters invitations for tonight. Have fun," Klaus smiled and kissed me lightly on the lips before walking away from the car.

I looked away quickly when I felt my face flush before driving off to the Gilbert residence. I showed up at my childhood home and tried the door. It was locked. We never locked the door, why now? I rang the doorbell, which brought back memories of middle school when Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena locked me outside in the bitter cold after our game of truth or dare.

A few moments after I rang the doorbell, Elena answered the door and pulled me inside. "Harper! Why are you here I thought Klaus wouldn't let you leave!" Elena exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

"Klaus thinks that his family might try to kill me, so he had me stay here today. I have to check in every now and then," I sigh and hug her back.

"Oh, right. I heard about the rest of his family being undaggered," Elena pulling away from our hug frowning. "I'm so glad you got out of that Freak Show horror house," she confessed.

"Yeah, me too," I shifted uncomfortably and looked down. It wasn't necessarily a lie, but it wasn't the truth either. What the hell is wrong with me? "Well, I'm here to deliver a message. The Mikaelson Family is having a ball tonight and we're invited," I state, holding up Elena's envelope to her as the Salvatore brothers walk in.

Elena opened her invitations hesitantly and read it aloud, "Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails, and celebration".

"Who the hell are the Mikaelson's?" Stefan asked.

"The Original Family," Elena and I say together.

"It's not bad enough they're moving into town. And now they want a housewarming gift?" Damon asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and sighed. The headache is just beginning.

Elena flipped her invitation over. "Wait. There's a note on the back," Elena noticed. "Elena, I think it's time we finally meet. Esther," Elena read anxiously.

Oh, shit.


I sit in Klaus's car as I arrived back at the Mikaelsons home, staring at the huge mansion. I pulled out the invitation that Klaus had given to me. I sigh and open it. I flip it over and see writing on the back.

Save me a dance.

- Klaus

I scoffed and shoved the letter into Klaus's glove box. I got out of the car and walked inside the mansion. The first thing I'm greeted with is four siblings sitting around the living room, getting fitted for their ball clothes.

"Rebekah, tell me how handsome I am," Kol ordered his sister.

"Oh, Kol, you know I cannot be compelled," Rebekah smiled devilishly. "Nor is lying cherishable, so, keep telling yourself those sweet nothing's, Kol," Rebekah remarks.

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