35; Homicide Is Never An Answer

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'Sorry' by Halsey

"Sorry that I can't believe.

That anybody ever really.

Starts to fall in love with me.

Sorry to my unknown lover.

Sorry I could be so blind."

I slowly woke up in my old room. I guess they didn't want me to be near Klaus at the moment. I could still feel around and so I felt where Klaus was.

He was in his bed, writhing in pain caused by that blade. I stood up from the bed and trekked to his room.

He was shirtless, which usually I wouldn't complain, but the fact that a blood red scar traced itself up his abdomen and branched veins outward. He gasped in pain.

My fingers lightly touched the mark, I watched his face twist in agonized pain. Elijah walked into our bedroom, and my eyes snapped in his direction.

"I have a request, Harper."

I rolled my eyes. "You put that thing in his chest," I state.

"And I'm going to take it out. I need you to watch over him for me while he is weak. Try to convince him not to kill our little sister. He listens to you," Elijah states.

"Does he? It sounds like he just ignores me," I murmur.

"You are incredibly important to my brother, Harper, and you know that. You influence him more than you can possibly imagine. Over the centuries I've known him, I've never seen him this happy, this merciful," Elijah explains.

I sigh. "That means he was worse."

"He's getting better with you in his life. He went from killing hundreds weekly, to killing because they pose a threat to that in which he loves," Elijah explains.

"Get Rebekah safe, okay?" I tell him with a sigh.

"Yes, but first." He moves past me, hands me a blood bag, and rolls up his sleeve. "You might want to take a step back," he suggests. I do and bite my thumbnail in worry.

Elijah pulls out a bowl, a washcloth, and a scalpel. He immediately went to work Klaus's red scar. Elijah sliced from between Klaus's ribs to his belly button.

Klaus whimpered in pain at Elijah's incision. Elijah digs his hand into Klaus's abdomen and my face twists into disgust as I turn my head to the side. I turned my head back at the wrong time. The exact wrong time.

Elijah ripped his hand and the blade from Klaus's open stomach and Klaus groaned in pain. I gasped at the unsettling sight. "Jesus! Gentle much?" I hiss.

Elijah took the washcloth and washed the blood off his hand. "The blood is laced with vervain, it should keep him slightly immobile for as long as possible," Elijah states. Elijah leaned down to his brother. "Niklaus, it was not my desire to bring you pain, but I will not see you hurt Rebekah. Now, I fear Sabine may be making a final move against us. I intend to find her and to end this," Elijah explains.

He quickly tries to make his leave. "Elijah." Klaus's voice was almost inaudible as he spoke. Elijah stepped towards his brother again and goes down to his brother. "You will pay for this," Klaus whispered.

Elijah quickly left and I assured him that I'd help him. I opened the blood bag and put it to Klaus's lips. "You know, I think you would've thought me a really weird kid. I always was curious. I was curious about the room my dad always went into that had screaming people in it. In reality, Elena found out that he was torturing vampires. If he saw me now, he would drop dead. Again," I ramble. Klaus drained the blood bag in seconds. "Wow, vervain is a thing of the past huh?" I say taking the bag.

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