Soul Dealer

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Klaus decided to take my advice and give her some wiggle room to be trusted. I know what hard time Klaus has in giving people his trust. It took me a few months, but I managed some how. I know that sooner or later he'll trust Freya.

Klaus told me that he invited his sister to breakfast this morning at eleven o'clock. He better have brought out the chocolate croissants, that's the only thing Kol and I ever agreed on. Klaus called Elijah about ten times, but no answer.

I decided to dress semi-fancy, considering I'm meeting a member of Klaus's family. I wore a lace shirt and black jeans with black ankle boots. I walked into the dining room just as the last butler had set out the cutlery and I smiled at Klaus and Elijah, who decided to show up.

"Good morning, you two." I greet in a singsong voice. 

"You're oddly chipper this morning." Klaus observed.

"I'm meeting your long lost sister for the first official time. You can't blame me." I smile, pecking him on his scruffy cheek. "You sure do like Freya for some reason." Klaus sighed. "She's your sister and a powerful witch whom we can ward off you Aunt Dahlia with." I state.

"Right." Klaus scoffed.

"Niklaus, Rebekah's condition has taken a turn." Elijah stated, allowing us to turn our attention towards him. "We may need Freya's assistance, so whatever you're planning here, don't." Elijah scolded.

"All I'm planning is a simple chat with a long lost relative. You and my adorable girlfriend said to hear her out." Klaus smiled. "And you yourself said that would be idiocy." Elijah stated. "Did I? Well, that does sound like me." Klaus smirked.

"Regardless, on the off-chance Freya has some information that protect my daughter I prefer she share it on my terms. Ah, I think I hear her now." Klaus smiled. "Behave." I hiss lowly, feeling her in the doorway.

"Always." Klaus winked.

"Sister!" Klaus exclaimed.

"Oh my god." I sigh, sitting in my seat.

"Well, come in, come in. Make yourself comfortable." Klaus greeted her. Freya's face lit up like a little child on Christmas. This was the first time any sort of family was welcoming her and it had to be like this.

Not welcoming at all and just to see if she was of use.

Before breakfast started Klaus was chatting up his sister, what I well know as manipulation. Freya found a witch hoop hanging from the candle holder. I could feel no power coming from it, meaning it was inactive.

"This is a witch hoop, it's Danish. From when you all lived in Copenhagen in the 1500's." Freya stated. "Quite the eye." Klaus observed. "excuse me are we here to discuss family heirlooms, or do we have more pressing concerns?" Elijah asks the two.

"Please excuse my brother's lack of decorum. He's been in a foul mood of late, but he is right. I did ask you here in the hopes that you would share some of Dahlia's secrets. So without further ado, let's get to it." Klaus announced.

Klaus sat next to me and Freya across from me. "The first thing you should know is that Dahlia is the most powerful witch I've ever seen. She craves more power still. Right now, she is like me, limited to one year of life in a century. She wants to be free of that restriction,to gain true immortality.That is why she will come here, drawn by your daughter, to take the child's power for herself. She will kill anyone who would defy her." Freya explains.

"And yet you would defy her." Elijah states, sitting besides me.

"I don't have a choice. She will never let me be free. My one chance is to align with you and kill her." Freya stated. "Well, now that we're all suitably motivated, let's talk specifics." Klaus smiled at his sister.

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