33; Recovery For The Broken

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'No One' bu Mothica

"I tell you what you want to hear, so I can catch my breath, and step away.

Think about what to say, to you while you come unglued ."

My eyes shot open and a gasp left my mouth as I shot up into a sitting position. What happened?

The room was dark, suggesting that it was nighttime. I clicked on the lamp beside the bed and luminous light filled the dark room. My eyes fell on Klaus's body in a wooden chair by my bed.

He looked like he's been up for days. Obvious bags under his eyes, his blond hair was in curly tangles on his head, scruff was thicker on his jawline and chin. He was very sexy like this, I'll admit, but he was in this mess because of me.

I slowly moved the duvet and sheets off of my legs. I slung my legs over the side of the bed and settled my feet on the hardwood floor. I stopped, my eyes widening. I couldn't feel anything. Not anything downstairs, not Klaus's breathing, not the baby.

I swallowed my fear and stood. Slowly, I grabbed a thin blanket from the bed and draped it over Klaus, kissing his temple. I walked to the door and opened it softly. I slid out of the room and went to the kitchen.

I was so hungry.

I scoured the fridge for something to eat. A significant surface area of the fridge was covered with blood bags considering the number of vampires in this place, but I was grateful that they remembered that the one human that lived here needed food. The first thing that caught my eye was a big bowl of spaghetti.

I grabbed it and ripped the plastic wrap off the top. I put it in the microwave and put two minutes on it. I sat down at the table and put my face in my hands, trying to remember what the hell happened to me.

"You're awake." A voice pulls me out of my dead-end thoughts. I look up and see Klaus standing in the doorway. His blue eyes were bloodshot like he's had tears in his eyes. I stood up and went to him immediately.

My arms wrapped around his neck, he slid his arms around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder. "You almost died, Harper," Klaus sniffs. "This wasn't like last time. This time your heart stopped," he told me.

"Is the baby alright?"

"Yes. I had a witch cast a spell on our baby girl," Klaus said. I stopped and pulled away, putting my hands on his cheeks.

"Our little girl?" I ask.

He nodded with a small smile. I pressed my lips to his cheek, then a loud beep from the microwave cut us off.

"You should eat."

I nodded and moved away from him to the microwave. I took the bowl out and grabbed a fork, going to the table that Klaus sat at. I dug in, I probably looked like an animal that hasn't eaten in years. I finished the spaghetti and pushed it away.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You should probably ask Caroline. I wasn't there," Klaus states. I looked at my hands.

"I can't feel anything," I state.


"I woke up and my abilities were gone. I can't feel anything," I state, rubbing my hands together.

"If I know anything about Feelers, it's that they are unpredictable," Klaus states.

"Did you know about other Feelers?" I ask.

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