17; Remember The Hell

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'Ophelia' by The Lumineers

"I don't feel no remorse, and you can't see past my blinders."

Rumor of what I was spread throughout the supernatural community in the town like it was scandalous sex. Honestly, it was absolute hell. Caroline and Bonnie found out about Klaus and I, but were slightly more concerned about the 'Feeler' aspect of me.

I guess that makes me slightly more comfortable. Elena is forcing me to stay at the Gilbert house so that I can learn to control my new found powers. Well, that's what she tells me, but I know that she just wants me to stay away from Klaus.

It has been impossibly difficult to tell my rubber band senses to snap back to me, but I figured it out. I internalized my senses so that they weren't latching onto other people. Now, that I was concentrating on my powers, it started expanding. When I woke up the other day, everything was brighter and colorful.

I could sense auras like it was a glowing halo around someone, I could tell humans from the supernatural. Humans have a light blue, vampires have a black, werewolves have a red, witches have a dark green, hybrids have a dark maroon, and I have a vibrant purple.

When I was kidnapped, Elena and Stefan were as well. Elena is a new full fledged vampire, and being around her has made me feel under the weather. Ten council members died, a new hunter is in town, and the 'new chapter' in Mystic Falls feels like the two pages of the memorial sheets.

Damon thinks that I'm his pet, telling me to fetch that damn hunter. I still can't control my abilities, but I feel like I could be close.

I haven't seen Klaus since I fell unconscious when Bonnie used dark magic to put him in his body. That terrified me more than anything. The spirits started to attack Bonnie and I, and Klaus just left. He left like I never even mattered in the first place.

I've been slightly avoiding Bonnie since then.

My mind's going a thousand miles per minute, switching from one subject to another. Klaus, switch, Feeler, switch, Elena, switch, Bonnie, switch, spirits, switch, hunter, switch, Alaric. Alaric. Why? Why did this have to happen to him? Elena died and so did he.

I needed to focus. I was close to finding the hunter. I found that sitting in the woods was the easiest way to look for the hunter. Using the root system of the trees around me to feel around. I focused for fifteen minutes till I finally gave up.

I groan, standing up, snapping my senses back to me.

I turn to head towards the Salvatore house, but I bump into someone. I look up and see Klaus smirking down at me. With a scoff, I hit his shoulder as I pass him. "Don't be like that, love," Klaus groaned as he sped in front of me.

"Like what? Frustrated that I can't find the stupid vampire hunter, or that I'm absolutely pissed at you right now?" I ask, passing him again, but he followed close to me.

"How have I made you angry?" Klaus asked.

"Do you seriously have to ask that question?" I ask turning to face him. "Honestly! You ditch me after the witch house and don't talk to me for a week, and you ask me why I'm angry?" I ask back.

"Well, when you put it like that-" Klaus started.

I roll my eyes and start to walk again. Klaus grabs my hand and spins me into his arms, his blue eyes locking to mine. "Your eyes," he stated.

"So glad you noticed," I sneer, I attempt to wiggle out of his hold, but he just chuckles.

"Come on! Remember our kiss agreement?" he asked.

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