We All Needed You

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Klaus had decided to start the day with an emergency meeting with the newlywed couple to talk about battle plans. We all met up in the sitting room. I was glad to get a piping hot cup of coffee to start my morning before continuing to war.

"It's time to use our werewolf army. Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister are in this city. The wolves can help us pinpoint their location." Klaus tells Jackson and Hayley. "No. We need all hands on deck here with Eden." Jackson states.

"You can compel humans to track your enemies." Jackson shrugs.

"Do my ears deceive me, or did you just give me an order in my own home?"

"This ain't about your ego, Klaus. It's about what's best for that little girl." Jackson counters. "How dare you question my intentions for my daughter." Klaus shouts. "Hey! No raised voices, please. Eden is still asleep." I tell them.

"Jack. He's right. Finn's body disappeared from the morgue, which means he's powerful enough to heal from the explosion, or Freya's powerful enough to save him. Either way, we're not finding them unless we send out our best people out there." Hayley tells her husband.

"I'm not saying those aren't fabulous arguments, but Jackson is also correct." I sigh. Klaus looks at me like I've switched to the dark side. "Okay, look. If we send all of the wolves out there to sniff them out, then we don't have enough teeth to tear them apart." I state.

"Meaning Eden won't be safe." Hayley realizes.

"But if we keep all of them here, then the 'Dream Team' will find a way to slip through the cracks. So, half and half. Enough to search for them, enough to keep my daughter safe." I smile, nodding.

"Nice family meeting. Now, I'm going to eat, since Klaus rudely interrupted before." I smile walking out of the sitting room. I left to the kitchen and began to make some toast and fill a glass with blood from a blood bag.

I soon buttered and jammed my toast and took a large bite from it. I felt Klaus walk through the door and I gave him a large mouth-full smile. Klaus chuckled and came over took me, taking a napkin from the counter and wiping the corner of my mouth.

"You ruled like a true Queen just now." Klaus told me.

"Well, I feel good today. I have my daughter, protectors, and you. The only thing weighing that down is Finn and Freya, which, by the way, I'm very tempted to call 'The Ice Siblings'." I tell him. "That's a horrible name. Don't call them that." Klaus shook his head.

"How about 'The Feuding Few'?" I ask.

"That's worse. I liked 'Dream Team' a little bit more." Klaus told me.

"No. That's copyrighted, I can't do that." I laugh.

"Well, this is besides the point. You are helping a lot, and I thank you for that. You can even say that we are the 'Dream Team' of the French Quarter." Klaus told me. "Nope. I regret ever saying that. I swear to God if you refer to us as that again, I'm taking that White Oak Stake and-" I start.

"Okay, okay. I won't." Klaus told me. "Though, I will tell you to enjoy your breakfast and stay home today. You should be with our daughter today." Klaus told me. "Hm. Okay, but the second something happens you call me so I can beat Finn's ass back into his grave." I tell him.

Klaus pecked my lips and left quickly.

Well, hello again toast.


Around the middle of the day, I set Eden down for her nap. I felt Jackson come into the room. "Shh. I just got her down." I whispered. "Thought you might be hungry." Jackson offered me a plate of grilled cheese.

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