28; Blast From The Past

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'blood // water' by grandson

"Look me in my eyes.

Tell me everything's not fine.

Or that people ain't happy,

 And the river has run dry."

Everything was mostly dark, silver moonlight streamed inside the windows, the ground beneath me shook, and the sound of a rumbling engine roared. I try to get up, but realized my hands were zip-tied together. Quickly, I learned the situation I was in. I was kidnapped.

I look above the row of seats in front of the trunk to see a dark haired man. I quickly duck my head again. I focus all my energy on the door, but all I could do was shatter the window before the car stopped. The man got out of the car and went around back to the trunk.

I adjust so that my leg was pulled back, ready to launch a kick. The man pushes in the shattered glass, making it fall on top of me. He opens the door and I kick him, my foot was caught with ease. "Seriously?!" A very familiar voice yelled. I recognized him. That face that I met when I was about one years old. Tyler Lockwood.

"What the hell, Tyler!" I yell at him.

"You don't want to fight me, Harper. You know you can't beat a hybrid," he hisses, zip-tying my feet together.

"Let me go! You son of a b-"

"Shut up!" he sneers, his hybrid eyes glowing through the dark. He threw me over his shoulder, struggle as he carried me. After about an hour, the sun began to rise and we stopped.

"I can, you know," I growl, as he set me down.

"Can what, Harper?" Tyler sighs angrily.

"Whoop your ass. You know it too. I can even tell it to baby Ty-Ty in Kindergarten," I huff.

"That was fifteen years ago, Harp. You can't beat a hybrid," Tyler states.

"Want a fucking bet?"

"Says the one who's tied up."

"Why here?" I ask.

"No one can find you," he states, taking out a knife from his pocket.

"Do you really want to go there, Tyler?" I ask him with a glare.

"That depends on you, Gilbert." He points the blade at me and I move away from him, trying to protect myself. He moved to my feet an cut the zip tie off my feet then to my wrists.

"It depends on me? Who the hell do you think I am, Tyler? Your fucking prisoner? I'm your friend!" I yell at him. "Friends don't kidnap friends unless to fucking party! And unless this is a party, which I see no keg, your a shit friend!" I shout, rubbing my sore wrists.

"Friends don't sleep with my enemies, Harper." Tyler growls.

"What are we? Nine? I slept with you and I turned out fine. Oh, wait." I give him a hateful glare.

"You're shacked up in mansion with that psycho. A long way from the girl I grew up with in Mystic Falls," Tyler retorted hatefully.

"Tyler, I'm sorry that you're so fucking pissed at Klaus for whatever reason, but a lot has happened since Mystic Falls," I huff angrily.

"Like how you're pregnant?" he asks, making my eyes snap up at him. "A hybrid baby. Yeah, I know all about it. Look around, Harper. You aren't going anywhere," he hissed.

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