Chapter 1

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It's been getting worse. Everyday I get closer to my 17th birthdays it's been worse .

17 is the year you find your mate. I'm close, so close . In 5 days I will be 17. In 5 days my life could be so much better . But I was wrong. It got worse . Much worse. That want to do worse things to me .

When I was cleaning the stairs today when the future alpha told me to change into the outfit he bought for me and meet him in his room tonight. When I finished cleaning I ran to my room and opened the bag. All that was in there was a lacy pink bra and matching panties. I wanted to throw up. They were even in the right size. Obviously he checked before he bought them.

That is when I decided I needed to leave. Now. Not tonight after the alpha had his way with me. Not after they beat me again. Now.

I immediately started packing all of the clothes I could fit into a backpack . I was able to get a few shorts and some shirts in there before it was full. I grabbed another backpack and snuck down to the kitchen. I took some food that they won't notice missing. I don't need a lot . Half of my diet consist of animal blood and another part if animal meat. I grabbed a water bottle and filled it with water. When I got back to my room safely I grabbed the picture of My mom, dad and I before they died. I was only 2 in the picture and can't remember it. But it's all I have of them, and I'm not going to leave it behind .

When I was ready to go I heard the luna calling from downstairs that it was time to eat . I knew that they would miss my absence . I decided if I wanted out before tonight then I would have to take the chance in daylight to leave. I wasn't going to stay behind and see what happens.

Just in case I ripped the tags off of the underwear and put them on. I felt wrong doing this, but they were bought for me so I wasn't going to waste them, even if there purpose was mentioned for evil. I needed these to keep me hygienic. The stuff I had before would not last while I was in the forest.

I grabbed both of my bags and jumped out the window . I sent one last look over my shoulder to the pack house before I ran to the woods.


The nice thing about being a vampire,werewolf and a werecat is your endurance. So far I have been running nonstop for 19 hours and haven't even broke a sweat. Another good quality is that you have 2 people in your head talking to yourself. If you didn't notice the sarcasm, then let me tell you. I said that with sarcasm.

Some people would say it's awesome having a voice in your head , but you have also heard the saying you don't know unless you have one. So you can't even imagine how annoying it is to have 2 voices chatting along while you are in a major breakdown and nervous about being caught and killed for running away.

After the 24 hour of running- making it a full day- I stopped in the middle of the forest and climbed a tree. I started getting tired at around hour 22. With all the stories you've heard about with vampires I'm sure you have heard that they don't sleep, but I'm only 1/3 vampire. I got the blood drinking and amazing speed from it though. All I'm missing is the not getting tired part. And also from that movie twilight it show vampires can only be killed by burning them. But that is not true we can be killed like any other supernatural creature. Shot to the head or heart and we are dead .

I feel myself drift off. I hope my dreams won't be tainted by dark things . I already have had my share for a life time.


When I woke from my deep sleep I looked around and saw it was around noon. I decided that it would be a good time to go swim in a nearby stream and try to clean myself.

Of course I didn't expect to be meet with rouge vampires when I had on only the bra and underwear that the alpha left in my room. I didn't even think and darted for the forest. I was only able to grab my clothes bag before I had to keep going. I ignored how I was in the most skimpiwst underwear I have ever seen and ran like my life depended on it. And in reality it did.

After running for 5 minutes I felt a change in pull. I had just entered another packs territory and brought 3 more rouge vampires into it. I could hear the howls in the background mixing with the hissing from the rouge vampires.

I jumped over a log and made and quick turn, which didn't go in my favor and I saw about 10 shifted wolves right in front of me. I gulped as the first one looked at me. Confusion traced his face before he smelt that I was a vampire. He started growling at me causing me to come to a screaching halt. I heard the rouges stop where they were and look at the wolves too.

I looked in between the 2 parties that were possibly going to kill me . That was until I saw a wolf looking at my certain lady parts. I looked down to see the skimpy underwear still on and a tear through one cup on the boob. I felt my face beet red and I hurriedly covered my areas up. It seemed to snap out the other vampires as they once again charged at me. With no choice left I headed towards the werewolfs. The one thing I didn't expect was for them to run with me, but as I got a better look at there size I realised that they were in fact teenagers like me.

It's always been a talent of mine being able to guess how old a person is in there wolf form . Also how to tell if it's a boy or girl.

One of the smaller wolves trips and faceplate into the ground. I run back to grab him but a vampire grabs my backpack and throws me into a tree while still holding the wolf. He looks to be about 8 to 10 years old. I wonder why he is in the woods without his parents .

I quickly stand up with him in my arms right as another vampire punches the tree. I run as fast as I can with the pup in my arms. I'm refreshed so I shouldn't get tired so easily.

After weaving in the trees for about 10 minutes we here more wolves howling. One of the older kids lead us towards the howls. Right as we pass into a clearing with hundreds of wolves I'm picked of my feet and thrown with the wolf. He gets ripped out of my arms and I keep flying in the air. I collide with the ground and a second later a boy lands on me. Completely naked.

I shove my bag at him and pull out a t-shirt to wear and give him a sweatshirt. I do this in my super speed only lasting a few Milla seconds .

I spin around right as another vampire attacks me. I once again am flying in the air and land in a tree. I shake my head and jump down . Man do I have a killer headache right now .

I watch as the vampire approaches me. I walk forward to meet him halfway . I jump on him right as he gets into range. We fight for a couple of minutes before I get the upper hand . I have him I'm a neck hold and am about to snap his neck when he gasp out the words: "I know what you are, they are coming for you. This is your only warning" before I snap his neck. He crumbles to the ground and I can finally wrap my head about round what he said .

Somebody knows about me having a wolf and cat while being a vampire. But what did he mean by' they are coming ', who is they. Is it the king wolf, or the king cat, or the vampire court. I feel a shiver go down my back. It could be all three for all I know. Or it could be someone that I don't even know . All I know is that I need to keep moving and get as far as away from here as I can.

I walk across the now quiet field until I reach the boy who is still holding my bag. He is wearing my track and field sweatshirt. I grab my bag from his hands and start walking away until he speaks up.

"Wait, you can't leave. My dad wants to meet you. He's the alpha ."

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