Chapter 9

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Spencer on top. Couldn't get his name on there, sorry.

The walk back was quiet. Everyone seperated into groups. Instead of walking with Aled he walked ahead with the rest of his family. I stayed back. Spencer and Cade walked with me, about halfway there Cade grabbed my hand and swung them back and forth . I hid my half smile behind my hair. Maybe being around this kid will be good for me. Even Spencer .


Instead of the feast we were suppose to happen everyone just went to there rooms, we'll everyone besides me. I went for a walk, Cade and Spencer followed me out, but kept there distance. It was nice of them to think of me. I just need to think.

Aled and I haven't really gotten to do the whole mate thing since I got here. Sure, I sat by him and he would sometimes hug me or sit me on his lap, but otherwise it just when he walks me to my room at night . Or when he kisses my cheek before he runs of to do something for the pack.

I know it hurt his feelings when he found out about myself, but not from me and from a 6 year old boy who showed up a couple of hours ago . It also hurt his ego that I had know Spencer all along and never told him.

I turn my head and see Aled watching us from his window. There is someone else in there but I can't really see from here. I think now would be a good time to switch into my wolf . I take of my jeans and sweatshirt and wait for the change to take over my body. Soon enough I'm on four legs in my red wolf with white streaks going down the side . I break out running for the trees. I hear more footfalls from behind me. As I turn around I see a huge white wolf and a small red wolf. I guess red runs in the genes. I haven't seen any other red wolves. Another reason why I hid my wolf.

I let my wolf run for half an hour before I switch into my cat. She is bursting with energy. I let Spencer and Cade catch up before I dart back into the undergrowth . I love the feeling of the wind through my fur. It's rare that I get to let myself out, my cat expecially. The only way I can get to her is my wolf. I can't go from human to my cat. It's weird but I've tried before , it doesn't work.

I shift back into my wolf right as I pull out of the forest. As I look up there is a crowd of people around where my clothes along with Cades and Spencers are. I growl from my spot by the trees. They all gasp and back yp a few steps. I don't recognize any of the people in the group. I take another step forward ready to pounce when Spencer runs in my path. I growl at him. I see Cade shrink back from his spot next to Spencer . I lean over and lick his head to make him feel better. I hear a girl snort from the group.

"Wow l, we already have one of you mutts. Now we have to deal with three of you. This is just perfect." I take another step towards her.

"Oh, you wanna fight . Just thought them at I should tell you that my dad is the head warrior and if you even touch a hair on my head he can have you banned in the blink second. It doesn't natter that your mate is the soon to be alpha ." I growled at her again. She just smirked and started taking of her clothes . She shifted into her wolf. Her wolf is almost the same size as mine , just a little smaller. That's impressive. I have a pretty big wolf . To bad my cat is bigger then my wolf.

I give her a wolf is grin and watch as she sizes me up. I shift back into my human and continue to stare at her even though I know I am completely naked. I quickly grab my sweatshirt from the ground and turned back to her. Only to be knocked into a tree by a large force. I hiss as I make contact with the tree. I feel the blood trickling down my back. I snarl at her before I give her what she wants.

I'm not aware of Gabriel coming out of the house rushing towards us with everyone else in tow. I shift into my wolf and attack the girl who challenged my athority .


So far all we have done is circle eachother before she jumped at me first . I've noticed hiw dhe is more agile then my wolf, when I got the strength . I'm pretty face for my sized though. I quickly turn around and snap my jaws at her face. She jumps back and bumps into a tree. I hear another growl from behind me and turn my head, only to be hit from the side from the bitch from earlier . A growl rips out of my chest before I can stop it. I feel my bine start to change and suddenly I am in my cat form. I tower over her by about 4 feet. When I say werecats are big, I mean they are big.

I saw here waver for a few seconds by the actual size of my cat, she even took a few steps back. I just smirked, but from my cat body it looked like I just got kicked. Her face suddenly turned stoney and she jumped at me again. I just threw her off into and tree. She didn't get up , but just whimpered from where she lay. I shifted into my wolf and then my human body . I quickly put on my jeans and my tank top .

As I walk towards her body I see that Spencer and Cade had shifted back. They were both in shorts with no shirts on. I turned more and saw Aled watching with his family from a farther distance. I turned back around and grabbed the girls shirt and pants when I walked by them .

I laid them next to her and order her in my 'alpha' voice to shift. She did so whimpering.

"This will teach you not to defy me." I whispered in her ear before standing up and walking away. Spencer and Cade followed me from behind. I walked past Aled. He tried to grab my arm but I brushed him off.

I continued to walk, even when I felt his eyes burning holes through my back.

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