Chapter 12

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The head warrior showed up after waiting in our training room for 10 minutes. He was carrying a big book and some lose papers . He sat them down with a large thud.

He turn to us with a scowl on his face. When he meet my eyes his turned murderous. He quickly moved his eyes when he saw me return his hateful gaze. I saw Spencer look at us from the corner of his eyes. Cade just looked lost in thought. 

He walked closer and inspected all of us, when he turned his eyes to me his lip curled in disgust. Just saying but this dude isn't the prettiest flower in the bunch either.

"Today we will be working on finding your special powers. This book behind me is full of all the powers ever recorded that a supernatural could do. There is also some human things that are not completely indicated of bring true, but they are in there so we have to go through them. There is some sheets of paper from other books that can help us achevive these powers. We will try them all at once and see if any of them works. Alright, let's get started."

After half an hour all we know is that Cade can melt through walls and I can see into pregnant women stomachs. And that's it, and we already knew that. So lucky us maybe I can see if any of then are pregnant. If you didn't note the sarcasm, now would be a good time to do so.

"Next we are going to see if you guys have a special link. Like the pack link, I want to see if you guys have one in between yourselves. So, imagine yourself talking to eachother, just through your mind."

This guy is a real dip. I think to myself. I think I would have to agree, and what is a dip?, is what I heard in response. I smile at the both of them before looking at a Mr. I am better then all of you.

"Yeah, we have that. No what do we have to do."

"The next is memories . If you can read a person's memories somehow . So think of something and the other 2 will touch your hand with various of different body parts. Cade think of something from your childhood. You two touch his hand, or head, or anything else you wanna touch." I scowl at what he was intending for us to think. He is 6, I'm not touching him in those places no matter what anybody says.

I connect our hands and don't feel anything . I let go and let Spencer try. His body goes rigid and his eyes turn black. He gasp as he stumbles away from Cade . He looks wide eyed at us and nods his head.

"Yep, it works. And kid, I hope you got that checked out." Cade blushes before nodding. I chuckle and look at Mr. I'm better then you.

"What next."


After a grueling 2 hours we had made it through the book . Our skills had made a long list onto the piece of paper. This is what we found out.

Spencer: can read minds, can alter people's thoughts, and he can reboot a person's memory .

Cade: can form a shield around his body, he can make people's pain go away, and he can fly. The last one kind of threw us all of. He just started floating one second and then he could fly around the room. It was actually pretty cool.

Me[Erika]: I can shoot electricity from my body, I can deflect anything that is heading for me, I can see through walls, and finally I can make people feel immense pain. The last one was learnt the hard way. I used it on Mr. I'm better then you aka head warrior. He started crying, and told us to never speak of this again. Of course I'm going to tell everyone I know. The shooting electricity thankfully hit a wall. I don't think anyone would be able to live through that.

Cade and Spencer both headed to the room they share. That makes me think about Spencers mate. I haven't meet her yet and she never seems to be around. I'll have to ask him soon.

I continue to drag my feet to my room . When I turn the corner I see Aled leaning against my door. I smile as I walk up towards him. Hope blooming in my chest.

"What's someone like you doing in this part of the house. Haven't seen you here before." He smiles at the joking tone in my voice.

"What are you talking about. I'm always here. Sometimes I watch you sleep. Of course I then fall asleep so then you have to kick me out." I laugh at the joke. It's nice to be able to joke around him and not have to hold back anything.

I open the door and turn back around to face him. "Why don't you come in Mr. Alpha." I ask in a teasing tone. "That's what you were here for, right?" He smiles and slides past me into the room. He takes a seat on my bed and pats the spot next to him.

I walk over and cuddle up next to him before he starts talking.

"I'm sure today was tiring ." I nod my head into his chest. He hums in agreement.

"I don't know the last time I had a work out that intense. But its worth it if I get to keep you around for a while longer. Maybe I can convince you to stay after this all goes down."

I scoot up in the bed so I can be face to face with him when I talk. "You don't need to worry. After we finish this whole mess I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here. You are now my family. Plus this is where Spencer and Cade are. They are technically my brothers . I can't just leave them here. Another reason is because there are some pretty cute unmated guys. Maybe I could snag one ." He growls pulling me closer to his side. I smile at him.

"I was only joking Aled . You are the only one for me. I'm starting to trust you so that means maybe once this is all over and done with I could maybe give this a try." He looks at me softly before answering.

"I can't wait my Erika" He then gives me a quick kiss on my forehead before laying back down. I have never had a better 1 hour sleep then with him in my whole life.

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