Chapter 8

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On my way up the tree I thought that maybe this wasn't a good idea. For one, the tree is over 200 ft , and two, I haven't seen the person yet since I got into the tree. That changed as I looked over my shoulder and shrieked as I saw a boy around the age of 5 staring at me with bright yellow eyes. I heard shouts from down below .

"I'm fine guys just lost my footing." I yelled down. I turn back to the boy to see that he had gotten closer while i was talking to the people down there. I gasp again at the intensity of his eyes. They look like they could burn through me.

"Hey sweetheart, what are you doing here . Are you looking for your parents." He shakes his head no. I get a glimpse of a scratch on the side of his head. It looks deep.

"Are you okay." I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders. "Can you talk at all." He starts to nod his head before he stops .

"Yes, I can talk." I smile at him.

"Is there any reason that you came here."

"Are you a vampire too." He ask . I nod my head at him. He smiles and gets closer to me.

"Then I was looking for you Erika". I just continue to look at him.

"Who sent you here." I ask in a harsh voice. He frowns.

"Nobody, the people who were holding me captive said that if I found a Erika Walsh and Spencer Hays that nobody would ever be able to beat us. Apparently we are very powerful."

"What do you mean.' I still don't get what he is saying.

"You can change into a werewolf. Can't you? I can, they said Spencer can too. But they had no idea about you. They said you were to young when you got away."

"Wait, what do you mean got away?"

"When you escaped from the bad guys. The ones who had me captive. The ones who would have killed me if I didn't leave when I did. They found out where you guys were and are coming to get you. Buy I thought that if I got here first then I would be able to help and we could beat them." He explains in one breath.

"Wait how did you get away."

"I used my hands to melt the wall and then I was able to run away."

"You can melt walls with your hands"

"Yeah like how you can see into pregnant women stomachs. You also have more stuff, you just won't get them until you turn 17, which is in a few days so then you will be even more powerful. You are actually the most powerful out of all of us. "

"How do you know all of this." I ask him. I still am wary of him.

"Stupid soldiers think that a 6 year old king supernatural can't get out of a cage. I was just waiting until I knew were you guys were. And it helped that you were together all along."

"Actually I have only been here for about 2 days, but I don't think I'm staying long."

"What, why. This is where your mate is, and Spencer, and now me. You can't just leave us all behind. Erika it was our destiny to end up here, all together. You can't go and ruin that because you want to save the day" I sigh, he does have a point, besides we were all here, and Aled would do anything he could to help us.

"Fine, you ready to get out of this tree, or do you want to stay up here all day." He giggles before grabbing my arm to help him get down.

When we get down Aled immediately swarms me and is checking my whole body. I let him knowing he must have been going through a lot while I was talking up with the boy in the tree. That reminds me , I don't even know his name.

"Hey kid, what's your name ." He blushes at the attention that I give him and shyly answers while clinging to my leg.

"Cade". I nod my head and turn back to Aled , but before I can get a word out Cade is running towards Spencer .

"Spencer, hey Spencer . It's Cade. You don't know me ,but I know a lot about you. Our parents were best friends. And Erika's too. I was born way after you guys though. Mom and dad were able to get out when they attacked, they then had me, but then 2 years ago they found us again my parents were able to get out but they got me.. They then took me and put me in a cell. They have been tracking you and Erika since you left, and know they know you are here ." He exclaimed. The whole area went quiet. Aled turned towards me.

"What does he mean that your parents knew eachother. Do you know Spencer more then just meeting him yesterday." I sigh before nodded my head.

"We were friends when I was like 2. I don't really remember it except for one time when we were outside playing a game and I tripped and he started crying because I hurt me knees. And then I said......."

"Don't worry Spence I still love you." Spencer finishes for me. I nod my head. "That is a good memory . You had just turned 2, it was 3 weeks before we were attacked . I felt really bad about you hurting your knees." He finishes weakly.

"Yeah I know bozo, you started crying because I got a cut on my knee. You were acting liked you accidently killed me ." I say humorously . He just smiles back.

"Wait, so that means that you are a queen to the vampires." Ally ask from behind me, her face a little pale. I feel my self cringing.

Cade decides that he should speak up . "No she is the Queen of all werewolf, werecats, and vampires."

"How can you be all of those when you are just are vampire." Ask Andrew.

"It's because she's not." The beta says from where he is sitting. I shrug.

"I told you guys that I had a lot of secrets."

"Yeah well that's are really big secret, Erika ." Linda says from her spot. I groan everyone is turning on me.

"Yeah well I'm a supernatural freak, so how does that sound. I drink blood, have a wolf and Cat who are always fighting and my inner vampire is a freak who gets irritated too quickly. If you were me you wouldn't tell anybody either." I finish in one breath.

"You get irratatd easily because you vampire knows what you are, along with your wolf and cat. They don't like it when a person underneath you challenges your athority. Of course tomorrow will make it even worse. You vampire won't stand for it.So it's good we found out now before tomorrow. Just saying that tomorrow is going to be painful . It was painful for me, so I assume it will be worse for you." With the words of encouragement from Spencer we head back to the pack house.

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