Chapter 2

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Hearing those words make me freeze. I just had to go and save the alphas son. I turn back around to talk to him respectfully.

"I'm sure he does sweetheart, but the thing with rouge is that we don't really like to be meeting alphas . You know how those things usually go ." I tell him I'm a sypthatic voice.

"No, my mom was a Rouge when my dad found her. Ever since this day he has always given a Rouges a chance. And you saved my life, even though I'm in trouble for going out anyways he wants to be able to thank before you leave . Maybe he'll let you stay for awhile. Common it would be fun , we could play games and you could teach me how to do all those cool moves you did. I'm always looking for better teaching" He says trying to persuade me.

When he sees I'm not budging he brings out the puppy dog eyes. I groan out load. Puppy dog eyes has always made me fall for the trick.

"Hey, it has nothing against you, but I'm not right here and I couldn't teach you those moves because they come with being a vampire, along with drinking blood. I would love to play with you and do other things but I can't stay. I have to go somewhere far from here and I don't know how long it's gonna take . The earlier I start the faster I'll get there." I say while not looking him in the eyes.

"Yeah, but aren't you tired from all the running we just did . I mean I'm really tired and you carried me half the time." Oh my gosh he knows nothing about vampires it's almost cute.

"First, vampires don't get tired, Second your still a pup so it's okay to be tired and I only carried you for like 10 minutes. Your wolf doesn't weight that much. Expecially that I can lift a car with 1 hand." He looks dumbfounded on what I just told him.

"Do you know anything about vampires ?" I ask him hoping he at least knows that we drink blood.

"Yeah, you guys drink blood " -got it on the first try-" You can run super fast and you have super cool moves ." I sigh , man these guys need more education on other supernatural creatures.

Before I can retort I smell a scent of power linger in my nose . My head snaps to the side to see the alpha walking with his wife and the rest of his family. There is 3 girls and another 3 boys. It also looks like his wife is pregnant with number 8. I wish that's how my life was when I grew up. A thought takes over my mind.

"Oh my gosh , you just tricked me into staying longer. Was that what you were doing. Distracting me from your father". He shamefully nods his head. I can't help but scoff and I grab my bag again and head towards the forest. I here a faint 'wait' in the background, but instead I start running towards the trees . A second later I'm tackled from behind from a much larger body.

I roll over on top of the body and see a guy who resembles the alphas son. It must be one of the older brothers .

"What the hell dude, why did you attack me . I did nothing wrong . And how did you get here so fast. I mean you would have to be a vampire to go that fast......." My voice drops off at the end. Before I can question and further I'm thrown into the air and I land on my backpack. I groan as the bag knocks the air out of me.

The dude is in front of me again with his arm stretched out. I grab his arm only to pull him down and push his arm back to where I could break it. And guess what he did. He LAUGHED. HE LAUGHED AT ME. LIKE I WASN'T GOING TO BREAK HIS ARM OF IF HE DIDN'T LEAVE ME ALONE .

I felt someone grab me from behind. I turned around and was meet with the most mesmerizing eyes.

Mate , both my wolf and cat said . Oh shit.


I continued to stare into his eyes. The were a deep blue, almost a purple. He has short blond hair and and 5 o'clock shadow going on. He looked to be around 20. So much older then me.

He didn't stop looking me in the eye until he looked to see what I was wearing . And was not happy when he saw I was just wearing and oversized shirt that went to the bottom of my butt. He growled at everyone around and smashed me against his chest .

Almost in unison everybody turned and round and stopped looking at him and I . I wiggled out of his grip and took out a pair of shorts from my bag and quickly tugged them on. I nod to everybody that I was dressed and they turned back around in unison.

I turn to face the alpha and the rest of his family, already finding out that his son is my mate. When I finally find him he is been in at me and his son. He strides over to us quickly and folds me into a hug.

"I come here to thank you for helping my son, but it turns out you are my eldest sons mate. Thus is truly wonderful. Aled has been looking for his mate for 2 years, and here you are running in and saving the day. Oh I want to introduce you to my family. Which will also be your family considering .

"Of course you know Andrew , he's currently in his rebellious streak" He says pointing to the boy I saved from the woods.

"This is Allysa and Aaron they are both 11, twins." He points out a boy and girl with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Abby is 5 and Aled is 19" He points to a little girl that has brown hair and blue eyes like Aled. I just smile at Aled while he continues gazing at me .

"Alex and Ally are our other set of twins who are 15" Alex was the one who jumped me. He has blonde hair with brown eyes and his twin Ally had Brown hair with brown eyes.

"And this is my beautiful wife , she was are rouge like you were, she stumbled across my land and it was an instant connection . Like with you and Aled. " I just smile at him and looked towards his wife. She smiled ret not me and walked towards me .

"It's nice to meet you darling , I'm sure you are going to be a great adition to our family . My name is Linda, and my husbands name is Gabriel . " I shake her hand and look down at her stomache.

"Are to pregnant because if your not then you so aren't fat." I tell her trying to not offend her. I already know the answer I can hear the other heart beat. Werewolf hearing really works nicely.

She chuckles, "yes I am pregnant , we don't know the gender yet." I frown at her. She is a vampire I can smell it on her. Couldn't he just look for herself.

"Couldn't you just look, I mean you are are vampire right." I ask with a confused face . She looks back at me more confused then before.

"Sweetheart you have to wait until the baby is old enough and more developed before. ......."

"No why don't you look at the baby."

"I don't understand what you mean"

"What do you mean, all vampires can do it "

"I don't understand sweetie "

"Hmmm, when is your first altrasound"

"Right now actually we were on our way when we were informed about you crossing our borders."

"Okay, but I want to do something before it starts though"

"Sure, just be careful "

"Psh, when am i not careful "

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