Chapter 4

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After my confession we slowly trickled out into the living room. I was getting to know more and more about them as the seconds went by. Aaron and Allysa slowly start coming out of there she'll and talking more and more.

I bring up the subject that has been bothering me for a while now .

"So, am I going to be able to start school, or am I not allowed to go to school yet." I ask Gabriel since he is the alpha.

"You can start school. You would be in the grade under Aled. He started a year late because his birthdate was a few weeks after the registration date. I'm sure whenever you want to start school you can" He replies.

"I would like to start on Monday if I can. I didn't want to miss too much. I always enjoyed school. I didn't have any friends but the classes I took gave me a lot of pleasure and I'm sure they could do the same here. School helps me stay calm since I actually have a purpose." I tell them honestly.

"How can anyone love school that much. I mean you just went on a huge rant about how you love school. You aren't suppose to love school, your suppose to tolerate it so that someday you can be smart . And if you didn't want to miss any school then why did you become a rouge. It doesn't make since, no place with werewolves would allow a Rouge into there school." Ally says in her snotty I'm better then you tone.

Before I can say anything Alex shoots out of his chair and stalks over to his sister.

"If I hear you say one more negative comment about your luna, then I will not hesitate to snap your neck . Got it pup ." He growled in her face. Only backing down when she nodded her head showing her neck in submission. He nodded once and came over to me. He pulled me up and sat in my spot, then tugged me down so I was sitting in his lap.

This caused Aaron and Allysa to giggle. Aled just buried his head in my neck and breathed deep breaths while we continued to talk.

"Erika is there any special time that you would like to be introduced to the pack. I'm sure most already know who you are, but it would still be nice if you were properly introduced as there luna, I'm sure Aled would be thrilled if you decided to take that step ." As Linda continued to talk I could feel Mr. Aled junior starting to peak through his jeans . I felt a blush but pushed it back of my mind.

"I think it would be great. I don't know maybe Saturday or Sunday . At least before I start school so that people know who I am." I told her. It took me a second before I realised I meant it. I'm digging a hole too deep for me to get out.


When it's time for dinner I go and help Linda in the kitchen. She is a great cook and I'm glad she is my mates mom. She informs me that the beta, thirds and omega family is going to eat with us.

I just nod my head, if I'm going to leave this place I can't keep meeting people and making friends. All of Aled's family likes me, we'll except for Ally. I don't know what her problem is , nor am I going to ask.

I at I'll haven't told them that my birthday is in 3 days. They haven't asked me my age or when my birthday is yet. I'm assuming that they don't care about my age, unless I care about there son and don't leave there pack. Sadly I can't do the last one.

For only knowing Aled for a short time I have already started having deep feelings for him. I don't feel the pull like he does, but when I turn 17 I will. And boy will it be hard to leave. I can't leave before though. 2 days isn't enough time.

After an hour we were able to make a meal built for a feast. I feel bad that I can't really eat any of it, but I will try to eat some.

I help Linda carry the food out to the table. It looks like there is already some people here. I smile at anybody that I pass and walk quickly to the table. I don't realise how quickly until I'm at the table in .2 second . I look behind me and still see the food in mid air. I walk back and grab it with the plate before I can touch the ground.

When I place everything on the table I turn around to see everyone watching me.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh. That was so cool. That's what we mean by cool vampire stuff . Was it fun?. Does it hurt your head when you do that? Does........" Andrew doesn't get to continue as his father cuts him off.

"Andrew that enough. She is a full power vampire they all can do that. Even you mother , but she is pregnant so she cant." He told him a soft but firm voice. I rose my eyebrow they thought I was full grown already.

"How old do you think I am" I asked him while putting my hands on my hip.

"Somewhere around 18, maybe 17. Otherwise you wouldn't be full grown yet. A half grown vampire can't do that." He told me. I am very confused . I'm not full grown . I mean I will be in like 3 days, but I have been able to do this for amble year already . Maybe it's because I'm part wolf and part cat.

"You seem deep in thought cupcake . What's the problem ." Ally ask in a sarcastic voice . I hear Aled growl at her in a warning. By now everyone in the room is looking between Ally and I .

"Do you and I have a problem . Because if I remember correctly, I was being very nice and you are acting like an absolute bitch to me." I throw back at her. She scowls before walking closer to me. I can still hear Aled's growls from behind us. I feel my eyes ink black and my hands start tingling . She still is coming towards me. My fangs come out, and my wolf and Cat are trying to break free. I know I can't let them out. It would run everything .

"Ally, don't go near her, he vampire has taken charge of her body. You know how dangerous she can get." I heard a frantic voice say from somewhere. I snap my head up from her stare and look over everybody who was in the room.

My eyes settle on a boy around my age who is skinny and small. I can smell the submissive trait in him. He must be the omega son. I feel a smile pull on my face. I start walking towards him and get there in 1 second. I hear shouts of protest from around the room as I grab him of the floor and hug him to my body . He is stiff in my arms and doesn't seem very comfortable.

"Oh my gosh your so cute. I wish we had omegas like you from where I'm from." I squeal in delight. He starts to relax in my arms.

"And your blood smells really good." His body goes stiff and hard in my arms.

"Good thing I don't drink human blood. Only animals for me ." He then relaxes again. I finally let him down and feel my eyes slowly dim back into my normal eye color.

I turn around to see everyone with pale faces staring at me.

"What? My vampire likes omegas, she finds them cute." I send a wink at the kid. "It helps her calm down a little, but don't think I'm not super pissed at you." I point to Ally as I say this. I feel a smile come over my face.

"Who wants to eat. Cause I know I'm extremely hungry."

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