Chapter 14 (beware a little smut)

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After Aled and my special moment we were called back to training. I was paired with Aled again, but the way we were fighting was less playful and more intense.

He would send me these looks, looks that made my inside melt and flow out between my legs. I Know he could smell arousal, along with everybody in the room. He was proud of it too. To be able to make me feel this way with out even trying.

I was sending the looks right back. He seemed affected by his long awaited arousal in the air. I'm sure people can feel the sexual tension through both of us.

The touches, the way he would 'accidentally' touch me would send chills down my spine. And everytime he would see his eyes would get darker with supressed lust. I would tease him to, by bending over with my butt in the air when it was unessesary. He seemed to enjoy this though ad he started watching my every movement .

When the instructor called it quits for the day so we could rest for the fight tonight . Aled grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room, not that I was resisting. I wanted to do whatever we were about to do just as much as him.

He slammed the door open and then slammed it shut. He shoved me against the door and rubbed his lower half of his body against mine. We both groaned at the contact, both of us long awaiting for the pleasure to begin.

He slammed his lips onto mine while continuing the torture on my lower body. His hands were roaming all over my body. Up and down my sides, my stomach and lower back. Never going to far, always making sure I am comfortable.

He slowly stumbled back until we dropped onto my bed. I fell on top of him, but he didn't seem to mind as a moan fell out of his mouth. I moved up and down on his lap, exciting groans and moans fall from our mouths .

He was slowly fingering the bottom of my shirt. I got his silent message, and slowly we lifted my shirt over my head. Together, always together.

He sat up so I feel back onto his thighs. He started leaving open mouth kisses all up my stomach and up between my breast before attacking my neck. Moans were mixing with new moans and pleasure filled groans.

He slowly turn and lowered my body onto my bed. He stared at me for a few minutes ,admiring my body. I slowly lifted his shirt until it was completely of.

I ran my hands against his firm Abs and pecks. My fingers sciming over his nipples. He let's out a loud moans. I smirk and let my hands wander around his pecks more. Who knew a tough guy like him had sensitive nipples.

When he couldn't take it anymore he trapped my hands above my head and lowered his groin onto mine, grinding against me again. A airy moan falls from my mouth before I can stop it.

I don't remember the rest of our clothes off, but 2 hours later both of us were laying by eachother panting, completely naked.

I could feel Aled slightly caluased hand stroking the small of my back. My hand was brushing down his arm and up into his hair. His eyes were shut closed, but I knew that he was awake. Otherwise there would be no way for his hands to be moving.

"Aled" I whispered. He hmmed in reply.

"We need to get up and get ready for tonight." He sighed and opened his eyes.

"I don't want to leave, I want to stay here for the rest of my life, with you, naked in bed." I blush immediately . His words affecting me more then before.

"I would love to do that,  but I have to be there , you know that Aled ." I say . He sighs again and shift his body so he is laying over me. He gave me a passionate kiss that lasted a few minutes.

"I want to tell you Erika, that I'm falling for you. And there is no stopping it. We may be mates, our wolves and your cat love eachother . But I want you to love me, and I want to love you. So I want you to be careful tonight . Can you promise me that?"

I nod my head and answer back to the first part.

"I think I'm falling for you to Aled, your perfect for me. And I want you to know that I will try my best to stay in the back and not hurt myself okay, but I'm going to be a big part in this, you just have to trust me." He smiles and pecks my lips again.

"I do trust you."


After a shower, that we took together. There was a few fleeting touches and looks, but nothing more could happen. I told Aled that when his hands were getting a little to high .

We were told to meet in the training room at 8, it is currently 7:50, so we have 10 more minutes. Aled pulls me into a hug and stuffs his face into my neck , sniffing me. Trying to calm himself and me. We stay like this for the remaining 10 minutes before Gabriel and the head warrior come into the room. Aled's grip on me becomes tighter before he let's go and stands next to me.

I turn to my left and see Cade and Spencer making there way to towards us. Cade grabbed my hand and laid his head on my arm. Even though he is trying to mask it he is extremely scared. No one his age should have to be going through this. He is 6 for crying out loud. Why couldn't he be older, what can't he be at least 12, I'm not saying he isn't just as powerful, but he is a child he should have to be apart of this.

"Our scoots in town told us that the rebels just traveled into our territory. They should be here in half an hour, we shall be ready, and we will beat them." With those final words Gabriel turned around and strode out of the room.

I made small conversation with Aled and Spencer during that half an hour. Cade didn't talk more, but every minute we got closer the worse his grip got on my arm.

I was about to ask if he was alright , or if he wanted to go with the women and children that were hiding in a bunker. But Gabriel busted in and said 2 little words.

"There here"

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