Chapter 7

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When I walk into the kitchen the next morning it's filled with different women who are all trying to get something done.

I look around to find Linda , but instead see Zela, Hanna and Andrea all working in one part of the kitchen. There kids Summer, April and Grace are all sitting on the counter behind them playing barbies.

I walk up in front of then and they immediately stop. I smile down at them before I check my surroundings before I lean down to whisper to them.

"You know, barbies used to be my favorite toys". I tell them with conspiracy in my voice. They all look at each other before giggling . They then looked over my shoulder at something and stopped laughing. I sighed already smelling who it is.

"What do you want" I ask turning around to face Spencer . He just stares unblinking at me. He gets his head closer and closer until we are just inches apart. Both of our arms crossed ready to take the other one on.

"I asked what do you want asshole. Or can you not understand English. Do I need to speak in stupid with you. What. Do. You. Want. From. Me." I hiss back at him my eyes changing into there black color meaning my vampire is very angry. He merely smirks as his eyes too change . Ahh it hurt his feelings , he just doesn't want to show. I smirk back at him. Ready to show him I'm not afraid and he can do what ever he wants.

He gets even closer , only about 2 inches are between our faces." What's your last name Eri." He ask in a silky smooth voice. My breath catches in my throat. That's what he called me in the flashback I had. When he hears my breath catch his smirk gets even wider.

"I got you, and I'm not gonna let this go Eri." He says before he is off into another part of the room. I sit there a minute thinking about what just happened . When I look up all the women were watching us with curious looks on there faces. I spun around to look at the 3 girls behind me again.

"So what barbie can I use."


Unknown POV

"Sir we have found her." I turn to look at where one of my soldiers stand with a piece of paper in his hand. I beckon him forward and rip the paper out of his hand.

"The Mutt pack huh. Should have known. When did she arrive and was she alone?" I turn back to the soldier .

"She arrived 2 days ago , and yes she came alone, but there is a problem ." He finished sheepishly.

"Then what is it you fool." I yelled back. He flinches and stammer out his response .

"Spencer Hays is currently staying in the same pack . Has been for 3 years."

"And how did we not know this, this is not how it was suppose to be . Now that they are together they will be stronger. Now all they need is the boy and it will all fall apart."

"I know sir , it was a mistake on our half, as for the boy he is locked away in our dungeons. There is no way he could get out."

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