Chapter 3

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The walk back to the pack house was full of people telling me more about them and Ally acting like everything I said was complete dirt. Obviously she is one of those girls who think are better then everyone because she is the daughter of an alpha.

It is kinda weird how I am almost the same age as my mates younger sister . I know I turn 17 in like 3 days but that doesn't mean it is any different. She is still like only a year and a half younger then me.

It doesn't seem to bother anyone else though so it might just be me who is worrying.

The whole time Abby and Andrew are messing around and having me do some 'cool vampire stuff'. Alex then complained saying that he was a vampire and could always show them cool stuff. They continued on by saying I was cooler then him. He just scoffed and winked at me when Aled wasn't looking.

Aaron and Allysa didn't really talk much. They just hung of the sides of there mom and dad. Every once in a while I would catch one of them staring and I would smile or wink at them. They would immediately blush and turn away. They obviously are the shy ones of the family.

I know they were trying to distract me from wanting to leave. And quite honestly it was sort of working. My wolf and Cat wanted to start with there mate, but the vampire part of me said it was safer for us and my mates family if I went somewhere else until the threat calmed down. Or until I actually knew what the threat is. I decided that I will stay for a week or less before I need to leave again. My old pack may catch up to me and the people hunting me down may find me too. I know either way it would be safer if I left sooner then later.

By the time we got to the pack house and into the hospital wing I'm sure everyone in the pack knew what I was and who I was. The rouge vampire who was mated to the powerful next in line alpha . It was quite ironic really. Just how the story is the same for Aled's dad and Mom. Except for I am a monster with 2 other animals in me.

Linda layer down on the bed and rolled her shirt up over her belly . I had always loves pregnant women. For one, that's how I made my money. And two because they are always so proud of what they helped create. In my old pack besides cleaning the house I would do ultrasounds, but instead of a machine I would use my hands. I know it sounds weird, but every vampire has it. Right?

The doctor was about to start when I stopped him. I walked up to Linda and put my hands on her stomach. I felt my hands tingle and knew it was working. I felt my eyes slowly ink into a black color. Her stomach started turning red and.......

Before I could see what it was I was ripped away from Linda I went crashing threw the wall and in the room 3 doors over. There was a fair amount of screams and gasps of shock.

I used my super speed to get back into the room . Aled had the doctor around his neck and was pushing him against the wall. I calmly went over and ripped him from the wall before he could kill the dude. I calmed down Aled telling him it was alright. Of course it didn't help that I had a cut going across my cheek.

I calmly walked back over to Linda and put my hands on her stomach. The doctor tried getting to me again and Aled had to hold him down. I looked up at Gabriel and saw that he was holding himself back. The doctor obviously put him on edge .

Linda grabbed his hand and said she trusted me not to hurt her. I smiled at her and Gabriel before I start the process over again.

I giggle as I watch the 2 babies fight in there mother's womb. It's perfect, I can see the genders. Almost as they know I'm there they start giggling and kicking at Linda's stomach .

I quickly am taken out as I hear a growl come from beside me. I look up into Gabriel eyes and give him the good news.

"Congrats, your having twin baby girls. "


It's confirmed 15 minutes later when the doctor finishes the ultrasound. They will in fact have twin baby girls.

"Why were you giggling when you were looking at her stomach and why did they start kicking her." Gabriel asks in his 'alpha' voice.

"When I first got in they were fighting, but when they heard me giggling the looked at me and started giggling and kicking her stomach. They realised someone had finally noticed them in there." I say with a smirk on my face.

"How did you learn to do that" Linda asked me. I have her a frown in reply .

"What do you mean. All vampires can do it right"

"No sweetheart that's why we were all confused earlier when you asked if I could look at them ." Another frowns tugs at my face . I look toward Alex and he shakes his head at my silent question.

"I don't know, my old pack always did call me special ." I said with a small sarcastic attitude thrown in there.

"How long ago did you leave your pack mate." I look towards Aled.

"Like a day and a half ago" I say indifferently.

"A day and a half ago, why aren't you in any pain right now. Usually you are in pain for about a week after you leave your pack. Are you sure you aren't lying." Ally ask me rudely . I glare back at her.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure. I left because my soon to be alpha was an asshole and only cared about himself . He was also a manwhore who couldn't keep his dirty hands to himself ." The room get quiet at my confession .

"Did he touch you" ask Alex quietly. I scoffed quietly.

"Course not" I say even though my voice cracks when I say it . I continue on.

"There is a reason I left ." I say quietly. I chance a look at Aled and he looks mad , like really mad. Like he wants to kill my alpha mad.

"So he did touch, forced you to do something you didn't like." He says with his teeth grinding on eachother.

"I left before he could. I'm a lot more lucky then the girls who actually had to so it. It's kind of embarrassing but I'm wearing the bra and underwear he bought for me for our 'special night'. Not like I was actually going to do something with him. Just because I've heard he's okay in bed doesn't mean I would stoop down to that level . So no, he didn't touch me, but if I stayed later he would have. So. ......" I shrug my shoulders at the end and look at my feet.

Mine, Aled growls before he pulls me into his chest. He rubs his scent over me and I can feel him getting excited. I smirk,wow he is one horny boy.

I turn around in his hold and turn to the rest of his family.

"That's why I don't care about my pack or my alpha, making me not feel any pain because I didn't belong there. Never have, never will.

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