Chapter 20

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I held my breath for over a minute before I had to breath . I recognize that voice anywhere, it was the alpha son.

"I'm serious if someone is awake just say now, your not in trouble ." He whispered , for once being considerate of the people still sleeping.

We continued to hold our breath. He sighed and we heard him walking away. The light turned off and the room was cast into an Erie glow.

We should stay for a few more minutes, you never know it might be a trap. He nodded his head and shifted Evie and Anna in his lap . I made it more comfortable for Seth and Noah before I sat back down. I laid my head against the wall. I checked my watch and it said it was 3 am. People would start waking up in a few hours. If we wanted to get Nick, we need to do it soon.

It's been half an hour, I think we are okay now to go. Spencer looked at me and held up a finger. He slowly peaked his head around the corner of the couch and I caught on to what he was doing. I slowly put my head around my side of the couch.

There's nothing on my side. Spencer called out to me. Mine too, let's go. I answered back.

We quickly slipped out and carried the kids up to Nicks room. I slowly pushed open the door and walked inside. It was cold and dreary. It looked alot worse then it did when I was last here just a little while ago.

I went up to the bed and was about to start shaking Nick when I saw the little bundle laying next to him. Now that I was gone, they were putting the nonwanted babies onto him. He is only 7. There is no way he could take care of a child.

I carefully wake him up, not wanting to startle the baby so that he starts crying. His eyes slowly peal open and he searches the room for what woke him up. His eyes connect with mine and tears start filling his.

He got out of bed not jarring it too much and gave me a big hug. I hugged him back. I can't believe they did this to him, he's too young. Maybe if he was my age when it started then I wouldn't be such a surprise, but he's not, he's a 7 year old boy who had no idea how to take care of a child.

Once he let's go he backs up and grabs the baby and wraps her in his thin blanket. He nods his head and we slowly walk out of his room. We make to the front door before a voice stops us.

"What are you doing up so early, the pack run doesn't start for over 2 hours." I freeze along with everyone else. It's the alpha . And if he finds out its me, he won't hold back. Given that I could kill him if I wanted too, but I can't let anyone know my powers.

Luckily Spencer reboots his mind and alters his thoughts so that he thinks the conversation is over. I was sure that we were going to get caught. I'm glad that Spencer came with me, granted that he thought of the plan, but I'm still glad he's here.

We run across the field and back to the spot that we stayed to rest at. It's far enough away that no one would be able to make it to us before we noticed them coming.

Everyone was already asleep. Spencer had the girls in his arms while I had the boys. Nick was cuddle between us with his little bundle laying on his chest. All in all, it was a beautiful night.


Aled's POV

"Aled , I was just told that the rebels had left about 4 hours ago . They will be here in less then 2 days. We need to stop the search on Erika so that we have enough men to be able to beat them. We only have Cade . He won't be able to do this alone." I look towards my father and his solem face. I know that this is what we need to do, I just don't want to lose the only thing in my life that matters.

"Alright, I'll bring them back. Hopefully she will be back soon. We won't be able to beat them without her and Spencer. "


I woke up first, I helped Spencer get up and then got it so that he was carrying Evie , Nick and Anna . While I carried Noah, Seth and the baby that Nick was carrying. The didn't weigh much, we just had to keep our grip on them.

Spencer, Erika, there coming. They left yesterday, they will be here in 14 hours. I can't do this by myself. You need to get back here, the rebels are coming. I heard Cades voice shout in my head.

My head snaps over to Spencer to see the same grief stricken look on his face . I'm sure mine looks about the same. At the same time we answered his question .

We're coming.


Cades POV

"Aled". I yell running down the hallway. He stops eating and everyone looks at me. I can't think clear enough to blush.

"They answered me. I told them about the rebels coming and they both said at the same time that they were coming. I think they are together because it was like they were looking at eachother when they said it." I able to finish my explanation in one breath.

"They said that they were on there way". Aled asks in a hopeful voice, all I can do is nod my head and put a splitting grin on my face. Aled grins before pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks bud, it helps alot to know they are okay." My smile fades a little . I really don't know if they are really okay.

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