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4 months later

I was just finishing getting my dress on when Linda came in and said it was time to go . I ignored her and continued to stare in the mirror. I watched her walk up behind me and put her arms on my shoulders.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, Aled loves you and you love him. He wants to spend the rest of his life with you, and you want to spend the rest of your life with him. I don't see the problem, you both want the same thing . He loves you and thinks your beautiful, he wouldn't want anyone else besides you. Trust me, ever since you showed up he has been a new person . More loving and understanding, I always thought he was going to be hard and not care about anyone. You changed that though. Now all he does is love you and those little kids you brought here a few months ago. So, don't be worried and rejoice for what the moon goddess has given you."

When she finishes her speach I wordlessly get into her arms for one of her famous hugs. Everything she just said helped me get over the numerous amount of fears that I had. I pull away from Linda and stare at her with a smile slowly pulling onto my face.

"Thank you Linda , you are going to be the best Mother-in-law ever." She smiles and pulls me into another hug.

"Alright I think we have made him sweat it a little bit. Why don't we go down now . I'm sure Aled thinks your planning to be a runaway bride." We both laugh as we leave the room. We walk down the stairs and I see Gabriel standing at the bottom waiting for us.

"Why, don't both of you just look beautiful, Aled is a lucky man being surrounded by such beautiful women." We both smile at him. I take his arm as he is going to walk me down the isle.

We are standing outside the door when I decide to start speaking. "I'm really glad that I have a man like you to call my Father-in-law, I already told Linda the same thing, but there isn't a better person for the job. I want you to be there for everything. You and Linda. I never really said anything, but I do love you guys like you are my parents."

He has tears in his eyes as he pulls me in for a tight hug, he pulls back and looks into my eye before he starts talking. "We love you too Erika, never forget that. We will always try to be there for when you need us, or just want us there." This time I pull him into a hug. Just then the doors pop open and the music starts playing.

We untangle ourselves and start walking down the isle. I look around at the area, we did a silver, blue and purple theme. It is really beautiful. I continue to look around until my eyes land on Aled's . When our eyes meet, I can't pull them away. We are in a trance and cannot get out of it. Of course I would mind looking at him all day.

I love him, and nothing is going to change that. Ever.

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