Chapter 10

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Cade on the top. Sorry again for it not being on the picture .

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day. I was mainly worrying about tomorrow. Spencer has been through this already and he said that it hurt. Bad, like really bad, and the more powerful you are the worse it feels.

The whole power thing is really bothering me. People like bow down to me whenever I'm around. I think it is mostly because I am also the luna of the pack. I still haven't gotten over that actually , all I can think of is when Aled proposes and ask me to mate with him. I will most likely say yes to anything he says. But not right now. He is the reason that I am bring out casted by everyone here. He is the reason that everybody is looking at me like I am a precious and need to protect me. Even Spencer seems irritated by the attention, it's obviously worse from when he said that most people left him alone.

Before drifting of into a sleepless night of dreams and nightmare combined into my own messed up life.


It was midnight when it started. I felt myself thrashing in the blankets and quickly sat up and let out a blood curdling scream. The pain was so bad, I have never felt this kind of fear and pain before.

I wasn't aware of anything but the fear, the pain. I didn't notice Spencer and Aled holding me down. I expecially didn't notice Cade hiding in the corner of the room by the door. But i do remember seeing a women flying over me, and the words she said.

Erika, you are my daughter, you will be powerful, nobody will ever be able to beat you. I am afraid that you need to leave, and only take Spencer and Cade with you. You need to head east until you find me. I will be waiting. I love you my precious daughter, and be safe.


When I woke from my sleep there was an aching pain in my neck. I sat up , but then my back started aching . I groaned out loud, it hurt so damn much.

I felt a feather like touch on my arm. I turned to see Spencer sitting to my left. I tried to smile, but I think it was more of a grimace , he gave me a sypthatic look.

I looked at him again and saw Cade sleeping in his lap. He has dried tear stains of his face. My 'smile' turns into a frown. I don't really know this kid, but someone upsetting him makes me mad. And I was the one upsetting him.

I lower my hand and run it over his hair, he has already become a brother to me. A little brother. Something I've never had before.

I look around the room to see that it was empty.

"Where is everyone?, last I remember this room was full of people who had no need to be here." I blurt out, my thoughts coming out of my mouth.

He chuckles before answering. "They all went back to sleep. I said I would stay with you, I don't think Aled liked the idea, so I said Cade could come with, seeing as he didn't really want to be alone last night." I nod my head before another thought comes to mind.

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