Chapter 17

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The next few days are filled with dark thoughts and more training. The head warrior is going over the book with us again to see if we could find any more powers.

I guess it's a good tactic because we all found one more. Cade can sniff out wolf bane from miles away. So when they show up we can tell if anyrhing is laced with wolfsbane.

Spencer found out that he can slow down time for a certain amount people. He would be able to slow down a group of people before we take them out.

I found out that I could see the future. I wasn't really working on that skill, but all of a sudden I was watching as Aled walked to my room. It only lasted for about 30 seconds. But 10 minutes layer he walked into my room even though he said that he wasn't going to be able to come to my room.

It was a shock really when I started seeing the future, most of the blurs didn't make sense , but I saw one that will forever be etched into my memory.

It was me walking down the Isle towards Aled . He was standing at the end with the pack priest. Gabriel was walking me down the isle.

I stepped up and took Aled's hand when he offered. "I love you Erika, forever and always." I started crying after I saw that blur. It was so beautiful, the raw love in Aled's eyes as he reached for my hand. Those 7 little words filling my head over and over. Someday and someday soon, Aled and I were going to be in love and get married.


Unknown POV

"Sir, the troops are ready to leave when you command." I looked up and thanked my new second before he walked off.

I shall let my troops rest for 2 days, but then we are on our way, my precious cousin.

And there is no way we can lose to you know , we know you. And what you can do.


It was a normal day of training when the pack doctor ran into the room and announced the good news.

"Alpha, Mr. Aled we need to go, the luna is about to give birth."

I know he didn't say my name or Spencers but we both broke into a run down the hall. We made it way before Gabriel or Aled got there.

Linda was laid out on a bed with her legs propped up and breathing deeply.

I walked up and grabbed one of her hands while Spencer walked up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and give him a look before looking at Linda again.

"I'm gonna check on the babies and see why they are coming so early." She is only 7 months pregnant. There is no way either of her babies are ready to come out yet.

I stuck my hand on her stomach right as Aled and Gabriel came into the room.

"What's happening, why are you touching my wife's stomach. She is too early, they won't be developed." He growls at me. I glare at him and speak the two words you never say to your Alpha.

"Shut up." He looks shocked for a few seconds before growing furious.

"You can't say that to me, I am your alpha and you will respect me ." I just rolled my eyes and went to work.

I saw that both of the babies were already looking at me. My face was probably amusing because I heard Spencer chuckle from behind me. I slapped him and went back in. It was then that I saw the third little head behind the 2 bigger ones. I was also able to notice that he was pale, really pale. He was a vampire, the girls had to get out if they didn't want him to end up drinking there blood. They were trying to make sure that they lived.

I could tell the third child, a boy was thin and small. Maybe only three pounds . He would be hard to see behind the health 6 pound babies in front of him. He was hiding in the background and it looked like he was holding himself back. Maybe it was him who decided enough was enough. He wasn't going to drink their blood no matter what.

I snapped out of it when and hand touch my hand. I saw Aled looking into my eyes.

"What is happening Erika . Your scaring all of us."

"Get 6 pints of blood now. These babies need to come out. I'm gonna have to do it." I started mutter under my breath about what I needed to do.

"Erika, you aren't making any sense, the doctor can do it just fine."

"Well if the doctor was potent enough he would Know you are giving birth to triplets, and the baby boy that is hiding behind your 2 daughters is a vampire. He is pushing them out because he's hungry for more then the nutrients then you can give him. So are you going to get my the blood I asked for?, or do I have to do it myself?" I snarled in his face. He went pale and ran from the room to find the blood with Spencer running on his tail.

"Alright Linda you need to push when I tell you okay, we don't have time to drug you up so you don't feel the pain, so I'm sorry in advance." She nodded her head while taking large deep breaths. I could hear Gabriel trying to calm her down but it wasn't working very well because she hit him on the back of the head and said something about using protection from now on.

"OK Linda , push " She pushed and it record time the first girl was out.

"It's a girl." I called out. A nurse rushed up and grabbed her slimy body from my hands.

"Ok, push." The second girl came out and I announced that it was a girl, and other nurse scurried up and grabbed her from me.

OK Linda . Let's get this suckered out of here okay." She nodded with sweat trailing down her forehead and onto her cheeks mixing with her tears.

It took longer before he was out. He was too small. I felt protective over him. I waved off the nurse telling her to help Linda get comfortable while I took care of the boy.

I was cleaning him off when he started wailing. Everyone in the room started and watched what I would do. I don't know where Aled abd Spencer were so I brought him up to my neck and helped him drink from my neck. I place one of my hands on the table as he slowly drained blood from my neck.

When he finished he took his head away and laid his head on my chest. I still didn't look anyone in the eyes knowing what I did was a show of great affection. I don't know why, but this kid was amazing to me, he risked his life to keep his sisters safe. He is going to be a very protective brother even though is the youngest.

Aled and Spencer ran into the room to feel the tense atmosphere. They skidded to a halt when they both saw the blood running down my neck and down the bebies face.

Spencer was the first one to speak after a long silence.

"Oh Eri , what did you do."

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