Chapter 6

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In shock about what just happened I bumped into Ally who was behind me.

"Look were you're going Bitch " She snarles from behind me. I hear Aled growl and start stalking towards where his sister is sitting. I push on his chest and shove him in a chair.

"Calm yourself Aled, it's nothing I can't handle. Besides I've had worse. Someone like her isn't going to make me fall into depression." I snap at him. Irritated with him, thinking he has to protect me from his sister.

"She needs to learn her place. And that means being respectful to her luna." He growls out from underneath me.

"Shell learn. And if she doesn't then I'll knock some sense into her, she doesn't scare me." I hear her scoff me from behind me and I whirl on her.

"I'm trying to save your butt princess, so I suggest your shut your mouth before I let your brother at you and then I'll have my turn, got it?" She reluctantly nods her head and sits down next to Abby. I turn back to Aled.

"See,problem solved. No blood shed. How does that sound." I ask him in a baby voice. I hear him grunt it's fine before standing up. He goes towards who I assume is Spencer and stands next to him.

"Erika, this is my friend Spencer , he was the one I was telling you about."

"Yeah I think I remember you mentioning him somewhere in a conversation." I replied with sass. A smile tugs onto his lips and Spencers slowly start to frown .

"Do I know you from somewhere." He abruptly ask. I shake my head no. "Are you sure, you look very familiar . And you name sounds familiar to." I just look away before I reply .

"I'm just some rouge omega from a corrupt pack. There is nothing special about me." He regards me with a questioning look on his face.

"No , I know you, and I'm going to find out where from. So it would be better if you just told me so I wouldn't have to go through all the trouble of digging up your past, or mine for the matter." I continue to defiantly stare into his eyes. Only breaking eye contact when I feel my eyes start to change from there natural color to black. My vampire is out of control from not being able to over throw this vampire who wants to endanger my life. Telling everyone my secret.

Truthfully I don't even know if he knows I'm a werewolf and werecat . I didn't even start to even show any traits until I was 5 to 6 years old. That had to be 3 to 4 years after my vision.

"Good luck. Just saying your wasting your time. I don't know you and you don't know me. End of disscussion". I hiss at him. My vampire taking over . His eyes also quickly take to an inky black color.

"I think you know what I am talking about, but won't admit to yourself that you do. I know your scent, now I just have to find out from where." He hisses back.

"Good luck asshole". We had gradually gotten closer during our little spat .after I finished speaking he pushed me with enough force that I ended up outside. We were on the bottom floor of the main level. A few seconds later he followed in the hole that he had created with my body .

I got up and quickly charged at him before he got a chance to move. I got him into a head lock. He is harder to fight then the rouges. You can tell that he has absolute power and strength from his vampire. Sadly mine has not come yet so he easily pinned me down .

"I will find out who you are, and why you are hiding from me". He whispered in my ear before letting me go . Aled immediately came over to me, but my eyes were locked onto Spencers . I wouldn't look away until he did first. When he finally did it was to talk to the alpha .

After the fight some wolves came over to help clean up the mess. Of course I had to help since I caused it to happen, but I didn't mind . It kept my roughs off of Spencer and how he will soon remember and end up letting my story be known to everyone here.


The rest of the day past in a blur. Most of it was because we had to do major clean up, but also because there was so much to do.

Linda was helping me pick out an outfit to wear on the day that I will be introduced to the pack. Which is tomorrow, Saturday afternoon . The day before my birthday. When they asked if I wanted to do it on Sunday, but I said no, not knowing what would happen on my 17th birthday.

No one has figured out when my birthday is yet, but they know I am 16 and my birthday is soon. I Know tomorrow I will have to put my birthday on the certificate for becoming a pack member and then Gabriel will see my birthday then pass it of to the beta and third then finally omega before they give it to the future leaders of the pack.

I feel like I should just blurt it out to someone, which is exactly what I did during dinner.

"My birthday is on Sunday . That's why I didn't want to have to ceremony then. I don't know what is suppose to happen on your 17th birthday. There wasn't any vampires in my pack." I blurt out in a rushed tone.

Linda reaches over and pats my hand. "Don't worry sweetie . I'll help you. I've went through it, so it no biggie. It hurts a little but then it doesn't even hurt that bad after wards." She explained to me in a motherly tone that I haven't had directed at me since I can remember.

The thought makes my eyes tear up before I can stop them and I quickly stop them in my eyes.

"Thank you" I say in a weak/frail voice. She just nods and the table gets quiet again.

"So how has the baby's in your stomache been behaving ".

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