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Adam was acting stranger than usuall. He was always so tense, and serious. Frankly it was scaring me; he wouldn't tell me anything only planting a light kiss upon my head and avoiding my questions.

He was getting really protective; and I mean right behind you every where you go protective. It was annoying and slightly creepy. I wanted to know what the hell his problem was, but I bit my toungue. And whenever I would try to ask him something he would either A. Ignore me, and B. Give me this look that immediately made me forget what I was going to ask.

I walked through the long corridors quickly. My feet slapping against the marble floor, almost creating an echo. I was trying to find Adam he promised to bring me some damn food. He forgets that I'm human sometimes I swear.

My eyes traveled downwards once a figure came trotting down the opposite end of the corridor. The figure was a male; which made me even more nervous, separate from the fact he was a bloodsucker.

His footsteps matched the beating of my heart, quick and an confusing rhythm. I felt his presence near me until I felt him very close to me..very close.

"Where is your master?" His liquidy voice spoke.
"I'm going to see him" My eyes stared at my shoes, suddenly so ingrossed with the plain grey sneakers.

He chuckled darkly and took a few steps closer.
"Well I don't see him." Silence.
"I can be your master until he returns" Nothing but the sound of my sharp breathing.

His fingers gripped my chin and I was forced to look into those dark black pools that one would call eyes.
"You smell..intoxicating, I'm not sure I can control myslef any longer..so if you wouldn't mind dear, just one little taste would suffice"

I pushed at his rock solid chests when he started to tilt my neck and press his cold lips to my throat.
"No please" How Pathetic.

A gust of wind caught me off gaurd and I fell to my butt. I looked up through my hair and saw Adam pinning the crazed vampire to the wall by his throat.

"She said no" he growled.
The unknown man started to make this sound like he was being suffocated. I looked past Adam's hand to see large cracks forming on the man's skin. Before I could even blink his head rolled off his body and onto the floor.

I yelped and stood to my feet. Tears filled my eyes and I turned to Adam.
"I just wanted some food."

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