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I watch as the two brothers wait in what seems like dread. Adam has been really protective since yesterday, and it doesn't calm my nerves.

Adam leans down and gently kisses my lips, as if he knows the visit from Lilica will end badly. I smile up at him, but he doesn't return it. Instead he snakes his long arm around my waist and presses me against him.

Elizabeth walks up with her mate, Demitri, who I had meet a few days ago. He was nice and shy for a deadly creature.

"She will be here in five minutes." Ares stated. Elizabeth and Demitri nod and stand on the other side of me. Liz takes my hand in hers' and squeezes it gently.

We stand there and wait. Four vampires surround me protectively from the danger that I can see is driving up the front lawn.

A tall dark-haired woman steps out a the car and points her head to the sky. She seems to be sniffing the air because Adam tightens his grip on me. It hurts but I don't say anything.

Her head snaps toward us, and from here I can see her dark black eyes that lock directly on me. She smiles, her teeth white and sharp.

I back away as she appears in front of us suddenly. She is beautiful without a doubt. Tall, slender, and dangerous.

"Oh, my boys I have missed you terribly," she says sweetly, "I assume you have felt the same for me."
She laughs like she knows they hate her guts.

"What do you need Lilica?" Ares asks lowly. She looks him up and down slowly and hums.
"What I need Ares is to meet the human my son so diasterasly fell for," her eyes skim the through the vampires until they land on me; and a wicked, sinister smile etches its way on her face.

"Well, well; if it isn't the human...Isabella Rose is it?" She steps closer to me making Adam growl and step in front in me.

"Adam darling I do not plan on hurting her...I only want to asses the situation." Even with Adam's broad figure in front of me, I could still feel her burning gaze on me.

Adam slowly and reluctenly steps away from me but stays very close. Lilica walks until she is nose to nose with me. She is taller than my 5'6 height and looks down at me like I am gum on the bottom of her 6 inch heel.

"Very pretty I must admit, almost as if you are a creature of the damned," I can feel every inch of her eyes on me; it burns.

"I am Lilica Romano, mother of Adam and Ares Romano, if you didn't already know." She hisses.

"You have met her, seen her, now leave." Adam says. She looks up at him.
"Adam dear that is no way to speak to your mother, it has seemed Isabella has made your toungue sharp." She glares down at me.

"She has nothing to do with my hate towards you, nobody here enjoys your presence mother." He says with same ferocity as Lilica.

Her eyes darken and she scans over the rest of us until they land on Elizabeth and she smiles widely.

"Elizabeth, I am so very glad to see you; I hope you have been taking care of my boy Adam; I thought about how Adam would propose, but I guess he found someone else to satisfy his needs." The room fills with even more tension.

Lilica turns to me and sees my expression, she fakes concern and cups my cheek with her cold hand.

"Adam did not tell you I assume, well let me explain it to you, Adam and Elizabeth had a long lasting relationship..of course not love but something more should I say..hmm intimate."

Adam steps up. "Shut your filthy mouth." He growls, Lilica smiles.

"It's only best if Isabella knows all of your dirty little secrets, best get them out now." Adam says nothing else.

"As I was saying, this relationship lasted for months, everyone thought they were madly in love, and there were rumors of an engagement happening...today, that's the real reason I came today."

I look up at Adam and he looks away which means Lilica is telling the truth. I scoot away from him and stare blankly at Lilica.

"Well I guess I'll be on my way," she smiles, than looks at me, "hopefully we will meet again Isabella; it was lovely meeting you." She smirks and speeds away.

"Bella I swear I-"
"I didn't know you would have sex with someone who is like your brother." I say remembering her words from that night Adam went on a rampage.

She closes her mouth and looks down. "Isabella" Adam says from behind me. I turn to him and stare up at him; void of any emotion.

"Your an asshole Adam" is all I say. He bits his lip. I walk away from them; ignoring all protest for me to come back.

Elizabeth lied to me-- my best friend. Adam lied to me-- my lover. It hurts to know that there is no one you can trust. I thought that when I fell for Adam, he would be nothing but truthful. I can't even trust him.

I feel alone now. Mentally and Physically. Alone is all you have when you live in this world. Alone can be trusted.

The Roses Will Bleed |1|Where stories live. Discover now