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I squeal as he gently tackles me onto the bed and gets on top of me. He hurries and presses his lips to mine before I could say anything. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck.

His hand grips my waist and I tense from the temperature of his hands, but quickly melt into them.

As soon as he reaches my neck a knocking comes from the door. Adam stops and sniffs the air. His eyes darken and he growls lowly.

"Go away" he says to the unknown person behind the door.

"Adam darling its time to hunt" a soft seductive filled voice says. My eyebrows furrow and I look at Adam. He looks down at me and kisses my nose.

"I said go away" Adam's voice was now dark and full of threat. I was silently hoping that the girl behind the door would listen so Adam wouldn't get mad.

"Darling please I-" The woman stopped and looked at me in disgust.
"Oh I didn't realize you had another fling" she hissed.

Adam growled making me back away.
"Esther. Leave. Now" Adam warned.

She pouted and took a step closer to him. "But Adam; I've been feeling a little lonely lately, why don't you come back to my room so we can fix this situation. " she smirks

I can visibly see Adam shaking, and steam is practically coming out of his ears.

"Esther. I will not ask again; if you do not leave this room in the next five seconds...I will have to force you."

I looked at the girl wide-eyed. This woman was very stupid; if that was me then I would be running away. My heart jumped out of my chest when the woman walked closer to Adam and put her lips to his ear.

"Is it the human that is bothering you, she does smell very..hmm tasty; maybe we can share."

A loud booming roar sounded through the room making me cowar back into the wall. In a blink of an eye the woman was thrown across the room and lifted off of the ground by her throat.

"IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT YOU FILTHY SLUT!" Adam roared; I clutched my ears.
"If you ever come around me or my mate again, I will put your head on a stick for all to see!"

"P-please A-a-adam, I l-love you. " she stuttered out. He growled loudly making me and the woman whimper.

He banged her head against the wall repeatedly until I could see large cracks forming up her neck and face; I gasped at the sight.

I yelped loudly once her head popped off of her shoulders and rolled across the floor. Her red eyes filled with eternal shock and fear.

My head snapped to the door which Elizabeth busted through. She looked at Adam, then at the headless body, then at me.

"Oh god" she whispered then rushed over to me. "Don't cry sweetie; it's alright, just breathe" she cooed rubbing my back.

I hid my face in her chest and let tears of fear flow down my cheeks. I felt her grip on me tighten and she moved in front of me.

"Adam don't, she's frightened. I don't think holding her will be best right now." Elizabeth said softly.

I flinched at a low growl. Elizabeth tensed she pushed me back further into the wall.

"You need to hunt Adam; I'll take care of Isabella while you're gone" I could sense that she was nervous.

"Make her look at me." His voice was different. Not gentle and deep, and full of love for me, but now it was rough and demanding..it scared me.

Elizabeth sighed. "Adam stop, your scaring her, just go please before you scare her even more" she was begging now.

"Mi amour" Adam whispers brushing my hair away from my face. I flinch and bury my face in Elizabeth's shoulder.

"Don't be scared; I'm not going to hurt you." His voice was pain filled, but I couldn't bring myslef to look at him. The popping sound of the woman's head coming off still sounded throughout my ears.

"Go hunt; I'll take care of Bella" Elizabeth said.

It was silent for a few moments before I felt cold lips kiss my temple. "I love you" he whispered and then a cold breeze left me shivering.

"Are you all right Bella?" Elizabeth asked softly. I nodded my head weakly and looked at the place where the body should be but it was gone. I looked at Elizabeth confused.

"Adam took care of it" she said. I let out a loud sigh and put my hand on my forehead. I stared at the ground while I swayed back and forth.

"Bella are you okay?" Elizabeth asked worried. I hummed in response, and all went black after that.

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