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Adam laughs as I step on his foot for the fifth time. I groan and back away from him.

"Have I mentioned I can't dance" I say trying to hide the redness of my cheeks. He smiles and snakes his arm around my waist.

"Uhhh I might have noticed" he kisses my cheek.

"Where did you learn how to dance?" I ask, but I shouldn't have.

His eyes close for a short second and open to reveal coal black eyes which I've grown a disliking for. His arms tighten around me, making a small squeal of pain escape my lips.

He lets go immediately and takes two steps back. "Sorry" he mutters looking down. I smooth my dress down and intwine our fingers.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" I cup his cheek in my hand. He sighs and smiles softly.

"You can do no wrong amour; do not apologize" His hand lifts to cover mine.

I look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "I have to pee" I blurt out. He narrows his eyes, something he does when he's confused; which happens a lot with me.

"O-okay, do you want me to get Elizabeth?" He asks, but I don't want to bother her with my humanely needs.

I shake my head. "Do you want m-" I innterupt him by shaking my head. "Isabella there are a lot of people here that could hurt you, I don't want to leave you alone" I consider his words for a moment, but the restroom is right outside the ballroom; plus Adam threatened anyone who were to touch me.

"Adam I'll be fine." I pull away from him and practically run to the restroom. I do my business and was just about to walk back into the ballroom when I bumped into a solid chest.

"Excuse me" I mumble and try to go around the person but they block my way. I brush a strand of black hair away from my face and search for Adam in the large crowd. The man blocks my veiw.

I grow frustrated and glare up at the deathly red eyes. "What's your problem?" I demand, he raises his eyebrows.

"What's my problem? Well I'm not the one with a poor attitude" he glares back at me, and surprisly I don't feel anything but irritation.

"What do you want? I snap and he grins.
"I just wanted to see Adam's mate up close" he says 'mate' in an almost teasing manner.

"Well you've seen me...what do you want now?" His grin widens, and it's weird bacause he almost looks like Adam for a split second. Now that I think about it he does look like Adam; with only a few minor differences.

Adam is more muscular; but they are the same height. Adam's eyes are more of a dark crimson color, and usually void of any emotion; while the man in front of me has light red eyes that scream a big ego.

"Jeez I didn't know my future sister in law was going to be a b-"

"Ares, why are you harassing my mate?" Adam's voice came from behind me. I look at Ares in shock, and then at Adam.

"You guys are brothers?" I almost shouted. Adam nodded; I glare at him, making him squirm.

"You never told me you had a brother" I said lowly. He avoids my eyes.
"Yeah, um I guess it never came up."

My eyes roll and I smile at Adam's brother, Ares. "You were saying" I smile.

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