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I bent over as I through up my lunch I had eaten just an hour ago. The bile burned my throat, and my eyes began to water.

Whenever I would try to eat something I would spit it back up. No I wasn't pregnant, I had already received that question from Aunt Roz. She had pulled me into my room and gave me the speech about the birds and the bees; like I didn't know how women became pregnant.

This was my third time throwing up. First when I woke up, second when I saw Adam walking down the hall, and third today. Elizabeth told me it was because of how long I was spending away from Adam. She explained it that Adam and me had a bond that when we are separate for too long...you start to slowly die.

I of course freaked out and almost started to faint, but she reasurred me that it takes awhile, and was certain me and him would make up by then. And I agreed with her, but things would be different.

"I'm going to approach slowly," Ares said with hands up in surrender, "please do not throw up your food on me..I'm begging you."

I rolled my eyes and slide past him.
And he being his usuall annoying self, followed me to the main room, where Elizabeth and I usually sat to talk.

"So do you miss him?" He asked. I give him a look that screamed 'duh'. He grinned.

"He misses you too, he won't shut up; and you guys think I talk a lot."

"Does he get angry?" I ask. He shakes his head, I sigh in relief.

"No he uh, takes that out on the prisoners in the dungeon." He says smirking.

"Oh how nice"

"Plus watching you while you sleep" he says. I raise my eyebrow and ackwardly tuck a price of hair behind my ear. Ares laughs.

"Your boyfriend is a little wierdo."

Sorry this chapter is bad.😢

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