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"Awww is the human getting upset?" Ares teased, poking my cheek. I swatted at him like you would an annoying fly...except in a vampire version.

"Ares you've been bothering her all day, let her breathe" Adam said, even though I could tell he was amused by his twin brother.

"Okay, okay; sorry its just I've never seen a human get so angry at reading a book" Ares chuckled.

I was trying to read Sarah's Key, a novel that Elizabeth gave to me some time ago, but I couldn't get past the first page without Ares teasing me.

"Go shove a stake up your ass Ares" I growled.
"Oh dear she's a little tempermentle, isn't she?" he said to Adam. The two brothers giggled like little girls.

I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Aww Bella he's just kidding love" Adam tries to kiss my cheek but I grab his face and move it away.

"Ohhh, rejected" Adam glares at his younger twin brother. I try to continue reading once there is a moment of silence, but I am cutt short by a large hand covering the pages.

I glare harshly up at the two ass-holes and throw the book at Adam's face and walk away.

Ares really picked the wrong week to piss me off. I am in too much stomach pain to deal with two annoying brothers.

Instead, I try to lay down so I can relax; and soon I am pulled into a dreamless slumber.

Short chapter today, had a lot of things I had to get down.
Hope u enjoy 😁🐵

Comment who u want to play Ares, and I will choose the best one.

Peace, Love, and Dealing Drugs

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