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"Let's go get you cleaned up" Adam pulls me up and leads me to the bathroom.

I sit on the counter silently watching as Adam prepares my bath. My mind travels somewhere else as I remember the awful things I had said about his kind. I am a terrible person.

"Hey its okay," Adam cooes as he wipes away my tears. I shake my head as I pull away from him.

He sighs and turns off the faucet. He stands ackwardly looking at me.

"I'll leave" he says and starts for the door. I grab his elbow and pull him back, he looks at me wide-eyed.

"I'd rather you stay" I say.

I almost smile at his expression. Mouth wide open, and eyes full of shock.

"Oh...o-okay, umm...okay, well lets do this"

I don't really care right now about being naked in front of him. I'm too tired to feel embarrassed.

I peel off my shirt, and everything else and slide in the tub. Adam coughs and plays with the hem of his shirt.

"Do you uh, want me to..ya know?" He motions towards the tub. I nod.

He quickly undresses and steps on the other side of tub. I bring my knees up to my chest to give him more room.

He looks at me and smiles a boyish grin.
"So ah...this is nice" he slaps his thighs making water splash. I blink at him.

"If you don't feel comfortable, I can-" I shut him up by twisting my body, and sliding over to him; pressing my back to his chest.

He clears his throat and wraps his arms around me.

"This probably is the most pathetic apology ever but...I'm sorry for everything I've done to hurt you, whether it be your feelings or your trust in me," he holds me tighter

"The first time I saw you in the woods I was angry; angry at you mostly for making me feel something I thought was only in stories,"

"In that week I tried so hard to hate you, I tried so hard to not feel anything for you; that's why I did what I did, and I still regret it." He traces his fingers over the scars on my back from when he whipped me.

I am silent for a few seconds, trying to decipher what to say to make Adam not hate himself for what he's done to me.

I turn my head and kiss his collarbone.
"No matter what you do Adam, no matter what you say, you'll always be mine, and I'll be yours."

He kisses my shoulder and buries his head in my neck.

"You know, you've never mentioned anything about your family" he says; I stiffen.

"You don't have to tell me"

I shake my head and close my eyes.

"My mom's name was Anna, my dad's, Mason...I had older twin brothers named Ethan and Elliott, they were very annoying but also protective"

"My mom she was quiet mostly kept to herself unless dad, my brothers and I had her occupied. My parents were very much in love with each other, never stayed angry for too long..." I sighed not realizing how much it hurt to talk about them until now.

"Their dead now; my parents, my brothers too; that's all I want to say for now." I wiped away a tear on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Bella" his voice understanding.

I looked down and realized that the bubbles were starting to disappear and my areas were starting to show.

"I think we should get out" he says, unwrapping his arms from me. We both stand and get out in opposite directions.

I wrap the towel around myself and start to dry off my body, but hands stop me and slowly take the towel away from me.

He turns me around and presses his lips softly to mine. He lifts me off of my feet and walks towards the bedroom.

He looks into my eyes as he rests above me.

"Just say it, and I'll stop" Adam says. I smile up at him.

"I'm ready"

The Roses Will Bleed |1|Where stories live. Discover now