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I lay on the ground, still sobbing. I could still the freezing coldness of his body on mine. It made me want to puke, and that's what I did.

I emptied my stomach out on the floor, and partially on my body. I gagged at the smell and sight. I was disgusted with myself.

"Ughh, what the actual fuck just happened?" Liz's voice came from the other side of the room. I continued to cry, pathetically.

"Isabella, what hap-" she stopped when he saw me.

"It's my fault," I whimpered, "I didn't stop him." I start to hyperventilate.

"Oh my god, no sweetie, don't say that." She cradles me like a child. She wraps a blanket around me, and lifts me.

"I'm going to take you to Adam okay?" She says softly.

"No, no, Liz no he'll be with him" I cry, she stops walking.

"Bella, he won't hurt you if Adam's there." She reassures me. I say nothing as she continues walking. I hide my head in her chest so I won't be able to see that demon.


"Why do you say that word so much?" I sniffle. She shrugs.

"What the hell is it Elizabeth?" I hear Adam growl. His footsteps quicken and I can feel his hands gently touching me.

"What happened?" He asks taking me from Liz, and holding me tightly.

"Perhaps she fell, you know how humans can be...so sensitive." Ares chuckles. I flinch and cling to Adam.

"You little son of cunt bitch!" Liz yells and attacks Ares. Adam sets me down, and pulls Liz off of a smirking Ares.

"What the hell is your problem Liz?!" Adam questions.

"What you haven't noticed why your mate is bare," all eyes turn to me, and I shrink.

"Your brother fucking raped her." Liz growled.

Adam is silent for moment; frozen and unblinking. Ares does nothing but stand there and stare at his older brother, seeming interested in what he will do.

Adam turns to Ares, very calm and still. We all stare at him as he walks closer to his brother.

"Ares little brother, what did you do to Isabella?" Adam asks, his voice quiet.

"What Elizabeth says is false, I would never harm a women that way." Ares lies through his perfect teeth.

Adam slowly turns around to face me. He kisses my forehead multiple times until my body stops shaking.

He stares into my eyes, and I can tell he believes what Liz told him. I can't tell what he is feeling because he does not not show it, but I know things aren't going to be good for Ares.

"Elizabeth take Isabella back to the room...I will be there shortly." Liz nods, and grabs my arm, leading me down the hall. I turn to see Adam and Ares staring each other down. I shiver from the cold air on my body, and continue walking. Well... it's about to go down.

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