∆44∆ Pt. 1

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We sat in a sort of colosseum. It was large and dark and the only sunlight came from a large hole in the center of the ceiling. In the center was a table of knives and chains that connected to the floor .It's medieval look made everything more terrifying.

Elizabeth and her mate Demetri sat next to me, while hundreds of vampires surrounded around us. I tried to ignore Lilica who say all the way across the colosseum, but her stare was penetrating me.

Everyone was asked to report to this room immediately for the execution. Elizabeth tried to argue with one of the guards that was leading people out of their room for me to not go, but Adam supposedly gave strict orders for me to be there when he killed his brother.

After 10 minutes, the large doors busted open, and several guards walked in carrying a nude Ares. He was faced down, and he didn't try to fight back against the men's rough hold.

Soon after Adam walked in, everything seemed to become still. You could hear his agonizingly slow footsteps make their way to Ares.

I shrank into Liz as Adam looked at me with dark eyes. I'm not sure if calling them eyes would be exceptive anymore. They looked like more dark black holes that swallowed anyone who were to look into them. And a grin etched its way into his face; a cold shiver caressed my body. Adam impaled me with his sinister smile that could be closely compared to a serial killer. Not even the fear of when I was raped could compete with what I was feeling now, and just by a pair of eyes.

"Welcome my friends," Adam begun, "I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you all here." He laughed making everyone tense.

He walked up to Ares and pulled his hair harshly, making his face visible to everyone.

"Now Ares is here today because he has done something unforgivable...something so incredibly suicidal, to hurt MY MATE! And to piss me off!" Adam pushed Ares's head to the side, making it bash against the stone floor.

"Now I'm patient yes?" Adam asked, looking around. Nobody said anything making rage flash across Adam's face.

"ANSWER ME!" He roared. Cries of 'yes' came from everyone. Adam smiled.

"I'm nice?" Yeses went all around once more.

" But when someone does something to hurt someone I love I just...get a little angry." He chuckled at his own sarcasm.

He looked back towards his brother and glared down at his naked form. Ares hadn't moved once since he got here, and if I didn't know any better I would have thought he was dead...but his fear-filled eyes told otherwise.

"I'm going to humiliate you Ares..
as you did to Isabella...I'm going to hurt you Ares...as you did to Isabella...and I'm going to kill you...as I should have done 140 years ago," the room shook with fear.

Adam stared out at the crowd. "Shall we began?"

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