Chapter 10

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I am not going to waste any time, I am excited about this chapter!!!!!!!!!


The giant red and white bus awaited us outside the airport. Cars honked as they zoomed by; the ticking of bicycle wheels being deciphered as a man rode by quickly. My flats pad the ground, my suitcase rolling along behind me as I follow the line of people leading to our mode of transportation for the next week. The air was chilly and the ground was wet. Typical London.

My suitcase is handed over to Mr. Stone before I make my way back the the front bus doors. My hand grips the metal rod attached to the side as I pull myself up off of the pavement and into the roaring van. Voices of overexcited and anxious teens could be heard as I make my way towards the back where I had spotted Meri sitting. A few moments later, everyone else is seated and the bus pulls away from the curb and into the heavy line of traffic that would take us to the Corinthia, a four star hotel located in Westfield, London.

"I am so tired!", Meri groans, throwing we head aimlessly back against the soft leather seats. "I can hardly keep my eyes open!" I on the other hand, was not fatigued in the least bit. My drowsiness had been worn off during my plane ride here which seemed to pass by like lightning. She hadn't slept at all, so I didn't blame her for being tired.

"Well, go to sleep!", I suggest, not bothering to look her direction as my eyes scan our surroundings outside of the bus. The environment was so entirely different than that in America. Everyone else seemed to be too caught up in texting parents and updating their Facebook statuses to even take some time to marvel at the fact that we were finally here. A car passes by, and my eyes instantly train on the one difference that was noticeable between American and British cars. The position of the driver's seat. The car drives past, carrying my eyes back to Meri.

She looks back at me like I had just said that Justin Timberlake had asked for her hand in marriage. Her eyes were wide and practically bulging out of her head. I try to hold back laughter as her mood suddenly changes. Her lips smack together as she sends me a disgusted look from the corner of her eye. "I'll go to sleep when Dr. Rogers turns into a zebra named Kelvin!", She mutters, bitterly, and I have to take a second glance to make sure she is serious.

I start to get a little freaked out until I remember that when Meri gets very sleepy, she gets kinda slap-happy.

"Speaking of Kelvin, where is that buffoon?", she asks, looking around.

"Meri, there is no Kelvin, now, go to sleep!", I say.

"No Kelvin? Did he die?", she asks, looking as if she might cry.

"No, he went to the loo, he told me to tell you to take a nap until he gets back.", I say, handing her her pillow.

"Fine!", she says, loudly, putting her head on the pillow, "but only because Kelvin would have wanted it that way."

"Okay, good girl.", I say, looking back towards the front of the bus.

About five minutes later, she is completely out of it, so I plug in my headphones. This time, I go to my One Direction playlist and click on Truly Madly Deeply.

Am I asleep, Am I awake, or somewhere in between?

I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me,

Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined,

Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine.

I lean my head against the back of my seat, even though I am not tired. I listen to the rest of the song and the rest of the album by the time we have reached the hotel. I slowly wake up Meri. I lean her on my shoulder as we walk into the hotel, and sit her down on one of the couches.

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