Chapter 60

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Lauren's POV

My eyes fluttered awake, and I expected to wake up to the coziness of the apartment, but instead it was the cramped up feeling of the airplane cabin. I sigh, thinking back to all of the events that happened. I sit up in my seat, and look over at Meri. She was asleep now, head tilted to the side leaning against the back of her seat.

The red lights above the cabin door begin to blink, signaling that we needed to buckle our seatbelts again. I sit up in my seat, stretching from my cramped position. I shake Meri's shoulders, but she shrugs me off, groaning.  I don't feel like waking her up, so I just buckle her seatbelt for her.

I feel the plane starting to descending, and I jolt when the plane brushes against the ground. It comes to a stop slowly, and I stand up. I look out the window, at New York City surrounding us. I take my phone out of my bag, turning it back on, and throwing it back into my bag.

I make my way out to the aisle as Mr. Stone announces, "Okay! Guys, we need to hurry! We are running late and the plane leaves in just a few minutes! Everyone, Go!"

I wrap my satchel around my shoulders, and follow everyone else out of the cabin towards the door. We all hurried down the runway towards the luggage claim. We grab our luggage, and run towards the direction to board our next plane.

"Wait....", I say, freezing in my tracks as everyone continues running past me. "Where's Meri?", I ask as I quickly turn around.

"I left her on the plane!", I yell as I start to run back towards the plane we had just left, rolling my luggage behind me. I make it to the waiting area outside of the London plane when Meri steps out.

"WE GOTTA GO!", I yell at her, and her face goes into shock as I grab her arm, making her run with me. We run by baggage claim, getting her luggage, and we continue running towards the plane that would be leaving for Atlanta.

"Flight to Atlanta, now boarding!", the female says in an American accent over the intercom.

"Oh no....", I say, panting between words.

Five minutes later, we arrive at the entrance to the Atlanta plane. We try to run through the entrance, but the hostess stops us. "I'm sorry, but you have missed the plane.", she says, holding her hand up to block us.

"You have GOT to be kidding me...", Meri says, and the woman shakes her head. I let out a long breath, and put my head in my hands trying to think. We walk away from the woman, sitting down in the waiting room, trying to come up with an idea on what to do next.

"What do we do now?", she asks as I pull out my phone.

"I don't know! I've never been in this situation before!", she replies. I see that Harry had texted me, saying that Ed had talked about us on Ellen.

"I'm gonna call Harry to see what he would do.", I say, putting the receiver to my ear. The phone rings a few times before I hear Harry's voice.

"Lauren?", he asks. He was probably surprised that I was calling since I had back to back flights all day. I had promised I would call him when I arrived home, but he knew it was too early to be back.

"Hi.....", I say, dragging it out, looking at Meri who gives me a grimace.

"Where are you? You aren't home yet, are you?", he asks, confusion filling his voice as he questions me.

"I'm in New York.... and well.... the plane left without us...", I say, trying to explain without freaking out. I can't believe we are alone in New York.

"Well, that's alright! Your teachers will sort out the new flight that you all can catch!", he says, trying to make me feel better, but it makes me feel worse. The teachers weren't here. They were on a plane to Atlanta.

"THAT'S JUST IT, HAROLD! WE WERE LEFT BY THE PLANE! AND INSIDE THAT PLANE WAS OUR WHOLE CLASS INCLUDING OUR TEACHERS!", I yell beginning to panic. "Oh...", is all I get in response, which doesn't help me.

"What do I do?", I ask him, desperate. The line is silent for a moment before Harry answers, "Hold on, let me make a few calls and see what I can do."

"Alright...", I say in reply, looking around the big airport as Meri watches me talk to Harry.

"It will be okay. Don't worry! I'll handle it. Just stay where you are.", he says before hanging up without a goodbye. I press 'End Call', and place the phone down on my lap.

"So?", Meri asks, watching my eyes for any signs.

"He said to let him make a few calls but to stay here.", I inform her, and she nods. "I'm gonna get on our instagram."

Meri and I had made an instagram page together before we left for London. We were planning on posting all of our pictures that we had taken from London on there, but we never got around to it. Better late than never.

I log into the account, lauren_and_meri (A/N-this account is a real account on instagram that you guys can go follow! We actually have pictures on there! Go follow!), and start uploading the pictures. I am in the middle of posting my last picture of the plane view of London when Harry's call comes through.

"It's him!", I say as I press the answer button. "Harry?", I ask into the receiver.

"Yeah, it's me. So, I called Ed since he is in America now, and he is being flown out to New York on his plane to pick you guys up. He said he would have you flown to Atlanta on his plane.", Harry states, making me sigh in relief.

"Thank you, Harry!!!", I say, smiling a big smile. "No problem.", he answers, and I could hear the smile on his face. "You guys need to go touring around New York. It's a beautiful city.", he finishes.

"Sounds like something we might have to do!", I answer, nodding, looking over at Meri, who had been listening in. She gives me a thumbs up.

"Well, keep me informed and be careful! Ed should be there at about five! I gotta go, we are heading to the studio, but I will keep texting you! We are still on for Skype tonight, yeah?", he asks as I look over at the giant clock hanging on the wall of the busy airport. 3:15.

"Absolutely!", I answer him, suddenly eager to get out into the city.

"Alright, well, see you then, babe!", he says. "See ya!", I reply, hanging up. I put the phone in my satchel before looking back up at Meri. She had a grin on her face as she said, "You ready to visit New York?"


Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!

So.... the didn't catch their flight back home! But that's alright, Ed should be there soon! But in the mean time, they will be doing some touring of New York City! I will be putting up on pics of that on our Instagram page I mentioned! Please go follow!!!! :)  We made it for you guys!

So, a lot of you have been to 1D concerts, but some of you haven't. I am depressed to admit that I haven't been to one yet, but I am hoping to soon!

QOTD: What part of This Is Us are you looking forward to the most?????

Well, comment what you guys thought of this chapter!! I try to respond to all of the comments!!!! I love hearing from you guys and how much you like the story!!!

Love you all!!!

And remember to go find the Instagram account!!!!! I expect to see anyone and everyone who has one following it :)



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