Chapter 180

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Fall For You- second Hand Serenade
Forever and Always- Parachute
Happily-One Direction
Strong-One Direction


Malibu, California.

One of the most well-known beaches in the United States. Known for its celebrity sightings and surf destinations. The mixed smell of sun-tan lotion and salt lingers in the uncontrollable air. The sun beams down in hot rays, almost illuminating the sand beneath it. However, when the sun drops and the moon comes out, an entirely different atmosphere encompasses the area. The velvet sky was dotted with shimmering diamonds that also twinkled against the ocean water that was blind to me at the moment. The air temperature had drastically reduced to a chilly breeze. Harry's feet shifted in the sandy path in front of me, carrying our dinner in one hand- a flashlight in the other. We come to the end of the path in time to see the large crest of a wave come crashing down with a loud roar before being followed by multiple others in a never-ending cycle.

We turn right and begin to walk with no destination in mind. Our steps stay side by side, leaving our footsteps in the sand behind. He slowly begins to shift his steps closer to mine as we reach the compact sand of the shore, making it easier to walk. The flashlight had been placed in his jacket pocket since the moon was providing us with the light we needed. His hand catches mine mid-swing before he pulls me towards him. My heart hammered so hard against my rib cage that I was scared he could hear it. My mind told me to pull back so that I would not give him the wrong impression that he was forgiven, but I ignore it. Instead, I attempt to focus on the bobbing flashlights that were scattered across the beach, in the possession of other visitors. And steadying my breathing and heartbeat. Quicker than I expected, Harry stops, "Is this a good place to stop?" I don't respond, but instead pull him back up the shore.

He drops the plastic bag of food onto the soft sand before shrugging off his jacket and placing it on the ground. "Sit.", he instructs, tilting his head towards the heap of material. I do as he says, but I leave a drastic amount of space left. My hand pats the ground beside me, looking up at Harry's silhouette about me. The shake of his head was evident as he sat beside me. The smile was able to be heard by the soft laugh I could hear over the ocean waves.

He immediately opens the food, handing me my portion and keeping his for himself. "Did you have fun tonight?", he asks, biting off a piece of a chicken strip. Even sitting and slouching slightly, his figure was taller than me. I smile as I pinch off a bit of my chicken sandwich. "I did.", I nod. His head was turned to face me even though I knew he could not see my face. "The best part is that we aren't fighting.", I add on after swallowing the first bite.

He doesn't respond as he finishes a bite of his meal. "I don't plan on fighting like that again.", he finally replies. A pause comes between our conversation as a family walks by, two children shrills penetrating the air as they run down the beach. The father's voice could be heard faintly calling after them with a laugh burdening his tone. Thankfully, it was dark, preventing anyone from recognising Harry and I. The family noises reminded me vaguely of my brother and I in our younger years. I had not been home in months, but I was hoping to get home by the end of this month. My parents had been keeping in touch about once every three days, but Will, who was about to turn the dreaded seventeen, was keeping in touch anywhere between once to three times a day, as of lately. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to him more than he knew and treasured our conversations.

As the family reaches out of distance from hearing us, I continue the conversation Harry and I had been having before they came. "Why were we fighting?", I ask, exasperated. I was exhausted from the confusion, arguing, and frustration. My mind had been throwing the question to the back all night, but it had always lingered back to the front. Occasionally, I almost found myself asking it a couple of times even though I knew he was avoiding the topic. I could hear the hesitation in his voice as he began to speak, so I cut him short, "Please tell me." Tears of frustration were fighting their way through, but I refused to let them fall. Instead, my head gently falls to rest against his toned shoulder. It was an attempt to ease his frustration, but it was also for my benefit. The security and stability were needed. I place the sandwich back down on the empty wrapper I had discarded previously.

"Lauren, I don't think that now is the right time.", he admits, his food laying abandoned between us as we spoke. I was far from hungry anymore, and I couldn't help but think that he was as well.

"If now isn't the right time, I can't assure that there will be one.", I explain, trying to get something from him. A reaction, an explanation- anything would be better than what I was getting now.


He doesn't respond, and I bite my lip as I lift my head off of his shoulder, turn back to face the Pacific Ocean, and bring my knees to my chest and cross my arms over them, allowing the cold breeze to secretly draw out my tears and let them fall.

Harry's POV

My heart crushed with every minute that passed between us that she did not talk. My eyes travel to her figure that was outlined in the dim skylight to see her head resting on her knee. As I was about to add onto the conversation, a shimmering tear cascaded down her cheek before being wiped away quickly by the back of her hand. "Sweetheart-", I begin, moving closer to her to bring her silently crying figure to me, but she refused. Instead, she coldly pushed her way out of my embrace. "I think I am ready to go home now.", she sniffed.

My first instinct was to refuse her request. "No.", I demand. She seemed shocked, but I continued, "We are staying here until we fix this." I remain close by her side, but bring my knees forward, giving me something to lean on. The anxiety was beginning to make me feel lightheaded, but I did not let that show. My eyes trail back to her, trying to find any hope in her eyes that would give me the slightest bit of confidence. It was taking everything in me not to close this conversation off again, but I knew that I couldn't. Something told me that if I didn't tell her tonight, I wouldn't have another chance. A deep breath is inhaled as her eyes continue to watch me closely, as if calculating every move to see if it gave her any answers.

"Lauren,", I begin, not taking my eyes away from her, but keeping them focused on her alone. This was one of the most important moments in my life, and I couldn't mess this up. "I am about to do something that I never thought I would do."

Hey guys!!!!!

Here is the next chapter and I hope you enjoy it!!! I know it is a bit of a cliffhanger ;)

And the comments on the last chapter were so sweet <3 I love and read every comment!! Thank you to those who did!!

I love you all and please continue to vote and comment!!!!!!!!! :)

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!



"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"
Matthew 28:19

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