Chapter 56

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"Well, it was nice seeing you Ed!", I saw with a fake smile on my face. My confidence was gone, and I had a lump in my throat, the tears building up in my eyes.

"Nice to see you, too, Lauren! And I'm sorry about the managers not accepting you. They considered you, but decided against it. They said you are very talented though.", Ed says, looking over his shoulder at me.

"Yeah, that's fine!", I say, to him, giving him a smile that I hoped would get me away from this moment. I had heard a quote that said that just by smiling it would automatically make your mood better. It didn't this time, as I walked away from Ed's table.

The tears started to fall, as I weaved through the tables. I see the stairs leading out of the ballroom getting closer and closer to me. I was so upset that I didn't realize that I was passing Harry's table.

"Lauren!", Meri calls towards me, but I don't look up. I keep walking, wiping the tears that were falling from my eyes. I take a quick glance at Harry, and he is looking at me, worry written across his face. I turn away, and look down at my feet. I hear chairs sliding, and I guessed Harry was now following me.

The tears blurred my vision as I continued walking. I wasn't looking where I was going, and I ran right into Julian, who was holding a full glass of red punch. A single drop of the red liquid splashed out of her glass, landing on the bottom of her dress. Her mouth opens in shock, and she looks down at the stain. She glares up at me, fury built up in her eyes.

"I am so sorry, Julian, I didn't mean to!", I manage to croak out, but she doesn't care.

"HOW COULD YOU!?", she yells out, causing everyone in the room to look over at us. I turn around to look, and I see Harry making his way towards me. I turn around to walk away, but come face to face with Julian's red punch.

She had taken the glass and splashed it right into my face when I turned around. It ran down my face, and stained the top of my white dress with red liquid. The white dress Harry had bought me.

I looked down at it in shock, and looked back up at Julian. "It goes nice with your smudged make up, too!", is all she says, before walking away.

The tears begin to fall again, as I step onto the first step. I feel a strong hand grip mine, and I turn around to see Harry stood there. "C'mon", is all he says as he leads me towards the patio where we had talked earlier.

As soon as the door is closed behind us, he takes me in his arms, wrapping them around me strongly. I guess he didn't care if I stained his shirt red. I rest my head on his shoulder, biting my lips to keep back cries. My shoulders occasionally shook as I took in a staggering breath.

"I'm sorry, Harry.", I croak out in a cracked voice, and I feel him take a deep breath. He leads us to one of the chairs set up. He sits down, and I sit across his lap, laying my head against his chest as he wraps his arms around me.

"Don't be sorry. I overreacted.", he said, and brought my head out from where it was furrowed into his chest.  He pinches his bottom lip between two fingers as I wrap my arms around his neck as I look into his eyes. "Just know that in the future, you can come to me with problems."

"Okay, I will, I promise.", I say, and he sends me his signature smile. The one that always manages to set off sparks inside of me. We sit there for a moment before he places his lips to mine tenderly. The kiss only lasted for a second, but it still felt like magic.

"Let's get you back to your hotel room, and cleaned up.", he says, looking down at my stained dress.

I follow him out of the patio and back into the ballroom. He takes my hand as we step in sync up the steps.

We make it to the lobby, when I make us stop. My feet were still cramped up in my heels. "These shoes are killing me!", I say, as I take one off, letting my foot rest before putting it back on.

"I don't understand why girls put themselves through torture like this.", he says, his dimples popping out as he smiles.

"It's to impress pretty boys like you.", I say, looking back up at him from my bent over position.

"Would you like a piggy back ride, madam?", he asks once I am stood back up. I shake my head, and make my way towards the elevator.

"Fine.", I hear him whisper into my ear before I feel myself being lifted off of my feet. He picked my up bridal style and carried me into the elevator. I feel my heart flutter, and I let out a girly giggle.

The elevator doors open on my floor, and an old man and woman are standing there. The old lady pts her delicate wrinkled hand over her heart, smiling. The old man steps back and says, "Give the married couple some space, Marian!"

I am confused until I realize why he is saying this. I am in a white dress, Harry is carrying me bridal style, and Harry is in a tux. I am about to rebuke when the old lady says, "Sweetheart, what happened to your dress?"

"It's punch.", I answer, and she nods. "And we aren't even married yet!"

"Not yet, anyways.", Harry says, and I look up at him. He raises an eyebrow, sending me a cheeky grin.


Hey guys!!!!!!!!!

Was this chapter good? ahah jw

Anyways, I really don't have much to say today, bc I am tired.

Hope you like it, and please comment and vote!!!!!!!!! I want to know what you guys think, or what you guys want to see happen, so please tell me!




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