Chapter 94

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I gasp, involuntarily, pushing the door closed with all of my might, but Chris' foot blocks it. This can't be happening.

"Lauren, please?", I hear him say. His voice sends chills down my spine. I drop Harry's jacket which I had been clutching in my hand and take off running back towards my bedroom, slamming the door. I sit down in the corner behind my door. I hear the front door close. Maybe he had left.

"Lauren?", I hear his voice call again. I guess I was wrong. I stay quiet. If I could hold him off until Harry got here, Harry would get him out of here.

"Lauren?", he calls again, his voice much closer.

I remember times of playing hide and seek with my brother, Will, at home, and I had always hated it. I hate the feeling of the someone about to find you. The adrenaline pumping through your veins. I had always ended up screaming as Will would find me, but I wasn't going to let myself get freaked out this time.

I clasp my hand over my mouth, biting my palm as I hear his footsteps getting closer. My breathing increased with every step he took when, suddenly, his footseps stopped making my heart stop.

This would be about the time in the scary movie where the climactic music would begin to play.

I sat there for what seemed like hours, which was only three minutes, waiting to hear his footsteps again, but I never heard them. Maybe he had left. I gain up enough courage to stand and open the door. No sign of him.

The lights were off since I had turned them off, thinking I would be leaving with Harry. I slowly creep down the hallway, leading to the den. No sign of anyone.

I tip-toe into the kitchen. The lights were on, not the way I had left them. I look on the counter, and Harry's jacket is laying there, folded neatly. I didn't leave that there. I dropped it at the front door. I hear a crack behind me, spinning around, Harry's jacket gripped tightly in my fist. Relief washes over me as the air conditioning turns on.

Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I scream a blood-curdling scream, jumping out of their grasp, and back towards my room, slamming the door once again. Footsteps pound on the floor leading to my room, before stopping and knocking.

"Get out of here, Chris! Leave me alone!", I yell, from behind the bed, tears of fright straming down my face.

"Chris? Babe, I mean- Lauren! It's just me!", Harry's voice calls from behind the door. "It's Haz!"

I sigh, the nervousness leaving my body. I stand back up, straightening my sundress as I walk back towards the door. My hand grips the metal knob, twisting it open. I wipe a few tears and sniffle as I see Harry standing there.

He was dressed in a black tuxedo, making me wish I would have dressed more formal. I wipe my eyes, realizing I must look horendous.

Harry notices, and next thing I know, I am wrapped in his embrace. The smell of his cologne fills my senses, comforting me. "You alright?", he asks, his hands playing with the ends of my hair. I nod, lying.

"Why did you think I was Chris?", he asks, still stroking my hair. Chills run down my spine as I hear his awful name. Harry notices, running his hand along both my arms, making them disappear. If Harry and I were going to start again on the right foot, I don't need to be lying to him.

"Chris was here..", I mumble, my hands playing with the black bowtie around his neck. I feel his hands clench into fists behind me.

"That's impossible. He is on the other side of the country....", he says. I could tell he was trying to keep his calm.

"Well, I'm not making this up...", I say, glancing up at his eyes that were on my face. I blush, looking back down at his bowtie.

"No, I know you aren't. But why is he here?! And did he hurt you?! Are you alright?!", he yells, walking back down the hallway towards my den. "If he is still here-"

"I think he left, can we just go please?", I ask, taking deep breathes. This place was giving me a weird feeling, like he was watching me. I don't know if he is still here, but I could feel something was up.

"Babe, if he is still here, let me find him now so you won't be worried later. You are going to have to be here again tonight....", he says, glancing back at me over his shoulder as he continues to search the den.

"Can't you call Paul to do that when we leave? Please? I just want to forget about it...", I say, grabbing his jacket off the counter and wrapping it around me. I hear him sigh, walking towards me.

He stands in front of me, his hands stuffed into his pockets. I glance up into his emerald eyes. My blue eyes stayed in his as he replied, "Fine. I will call Paul when we get in the car."

"Thank you.", I say, standing on my tip-toes to wrap my arms around his neck. I stay there, feeling awkward as his arms don't automatically reach around me like normal. I begin to pull back, but his arms envelope me, pulling me back in.

"Anything for you.", he whispers.


Hey guys!!!

Here is the next chapter!!

kind of suspisherous that Chris would come and disappear..... hmmm..... :)

Guess we will find out soon what happened to him!!

Just wanted to take a minute to say, Thank you @mpaigey for the comment spam on the last chapter :) loved it!! and it is eird that Robert Frost wrote poems having to do with cold!! hope you have fun at the beach!! :) .xx

I love when you guys do stuff like that!! or leave long comments!! makes my day!! Thank you to @taylornbug !! you always leave long paragraphs, and I love them!! :) .xx

So my voice is shot, almost completely gone now. I went to a Bible study, and as soon as I got home...... I sound like a frog..... its sad.... it always happens around this time of year....


I love you all so very very much, and idk if any of you actually want to talk to me, but if you do, my kik is annalyceL :)


QOTD: Favorite single male artist? No groups.

I'm team Edward..... Sheeran :)



~Annalyce .xx

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