Don't Give a Girl a Gun

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Chapter 1: God what did I do now!

Anna's P.O.V.

I hate gangs, I hate them with all of my heart. When I was thirt-teen my parents were killed by a group called the Wolves. The only reason I knew their name was because the night my parents were killed, me and my family were enjoying our lunch like the really close family that we were, and my parents started having a conversation about Wolves. I thought they were talking about the animals, but I know now that I was wrong. 

"We don't have much time, we need to leave, now."

"Maddie, we can't leave, I haven't finished the job yet. If we leave now the Wolves are sure to find us and finish us off."

"Daddy? Why are Wolves coming after us?" I had a sweet little voice and my dad looked at me.

"There aren't any wolves coming after us hun. Mommy and Daddy are just talking. How about you go upstairs and we'll talk be up later and tuck you in alright?"

"Alright daddy." I walked upstairs and got into my pajamas. I walked into the bathroom that was attached to my room and brushed my teeth with my favorite toothpaste and walked to my bed. I got into teh covers and waited for my parents to come up.

 A few minutes later I heard our front door bash open and hit the wall. I ran my little butt downstairs and hid behind the wall that lead into our dining room. A total of five men in black were standing in front of me, blocking the view of my parents. I moved around a little bit and was finally able to see what was happening. The guy in the middle of the group was standing over my father with a gun. I gasped and the man turned toward me. 

"What's your name Princess?"

"Anna. Why do you have a gun pointed to my daddy?"

"Your daddy did something very bad and he needs to pay for it."

"If you need money just ask him. You don't need to hurt him Mr.........."

"Cart. Mr. Cart."

"Well Mr. Cart...." I started laughing and he looked at me like I was a disease. 

"What's so funny Anna?"

"Your name is kind of funny."  I started laughing even harder and  he joined in with me. "So is that your last name of your first name?"

"That's my first name, well that's what the Wolves call me at least."

"OH! Your the Wolves! Mommy and daddy were talking about you guys during dinner tonight!"

"Oh they were were they?"

"Uh huh. So why do we need to leave before you got here?" Cart looked ready to burst. He turned to parents and stared at them. 

"You were planning on leaving?" My father was the one who spoke.

"No. We weren't going to leave."

"Do you what to rephrase that? Because that's not what your daughter just told me."

"No. We weren't going to leave Cart." Cart put his hand on the trigger of the gun, ready to pull. But before he did, he turned to one of the other members.

"Take little Anna here out of the house, she doesn't need ot see this." As the man grabbed my arm he started to pull me out of the room. I turned around in time ot see him pull the trigger. He meant to hit my father and my father only, but my mother jumped infront of him. I heard a boom and then my mother fell to the floor. Blood was flowind from her chest and I looked at my dad. He fell on the ground next to her after another boom noise filled the room. I ripped my hand out of the man's hand and ran to my parents. 

"Mommy? Daddy?" My parents pulled me into their dying arms and held me close. 

"We love you Anna." My parents wispered to me. I started to cry as my parents no longer moved. Their eyes glazed over and I felt a pair of hands pick me up. I turned around only to see Cart looking into my eyes. He turned around and carried me to their car. 

"You know Anna, your pretty lucky."

"How am I lucky in any way! You are a sick and twisted bastard."

"Anna! Don't use that language little miss!"

"You just killed my parents and now your kidnapping me! I can use whatever language I want to!"

"Atleast I let you live you little brat." He put me in his car and got in next to me. The other men surrounded us and I started to feel very uncomfortable. 

"Do you have any other family around here Anna?"

"Why, so you can kill them too?"

"No. I have only known you for twenty minutes, and I already can't handle you anymore. I am going to drop you off at your nearest family member's house."

"I don't have anymore family for your information. But I do have a family friend that you can leave me with. I only have one question though."

"Ok. Shoot."

"What are you going to do when we get there? I mean, you can't walk me to their door and say, 'Hi! I just killed this young girls family, she's going to live with you from now on.'"

"I am going to drop you off. Just walk to their door and you can explain."

"You truly are a bastard."

"Whatever." I gave Cart the address and the driver took us to Lee's house. He dropped me off like he said and I knocked on his door. Lee was my childhood friend and his parents knew my parents since they were in diapers too. Lee opened the door and smiled.

"Hey Anna. Haven't seen you in a while." He looked down at me and looked over my bloody clothes. "What the hell happened!" 

"My parents were just killed. Can you ask your mother if I can live with you guys. I don't have any family left." Lee pulled me into a hug and walked me inside. His parents were at the dinning table and they looked at me. 

"Anna! What happened!"

"Mom, Dad," Lee addressed his parents."Anna said her parents were dead."

 And that's how I ended up living with Lee and his family until I was 18.

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