That Was My Twin

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Hello! I have decided that I want to start off every chapter with Ashton's P.O.V. get inside his head a little bit. Anywho, have a fanTASTical day, and to my -------- buddy, you know who you are, no more smiley faces. I don't want to laugh so hard I'm sent to the hospital/


Chatper 5:

Ashton's P.O.V.

When Anna said she would do anything to protect me, I didn't know what to think. She told me everything that happened with Carter tonight and I'm still trying to piece everything together. So her parents were killed when she was thirtteen, and Carter dropped her off at Jace's house. Normally he doesn't leave any witnesses but why Anna? Why would he kill a six year old boy because the kid looked at him wrong, but leave a little girl alive when she calls him a sick bastard? I am honestly confused. Is old Carter going soft there?

I know that Anna would do anything for Jace, but I honestly don't think she would do anything for me. As a friend she might, but not the way she made it sound. I have been dating this girl for less than a day, and I am already baffled with everything about her. She loved white roses because while they are roses and are meant to show love, they're also blank with no emotion. Her favorite color is red because blood is red and she would like to see Carter's blood. (That's not violent at all!) And her favorite food is fruit cake because it can kill. (Interesting right?) Her favorite object is a spoon because she would love to beat Carter with one. And slowly beat him with it until he dies. What did I tell you, that girl is badass.

"So, when are the other guys going to come out from the ball?" Anna and I have been sitting the car for and hour and the guys still haven't gotten out. I know how to pass time, but I think Anna would make fun of me.

"Hey Ashton!"


"I know how we can pass time." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I let out a small laugh. 

"If you want to Princess."

"Hellz yeah I want to!"

"Fine with me." I think I was wrong about what she wanted to do, because instead of sitting in my lap and making out with me like I wanted her to, she got out of the car. "Anna what are you doing!"

"I'm getting us drinks! Back in a flash!" Anna raced back into the ball and after a few minutes I started to get worried. What was taking her so long? Out of nowhere  gunshots sounded and I was scared shitless. Anna!

Anna's P.O.V.

I ran into the ballroom to get some drinks for me and Ashton when I finally realized what was happening. Carter was standing in the middle of the room with everyone around him.

"Now, if someone tells me where Anna Rosa Bush is, no one else will die. You got that?" I looked to the floor to see the waiter dead.

"No way man, we ain't giving away where Anna is. Not to you at least." I turned to see what retard dared mess with Carter. Besides me of course. It was alright for me to do that. Oh god. James!

"And who might you be?" Carter was looking straight at him and I held back a scream. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. 

"I'm a friend of Anna's."

"Well. Considering that you spoke to me in a way that I don't like, and that your Anna's friend. Your next to go." I couldn't take it anymore. Carter had his gun pointed to James and I couldn't stand letting him die because of me.


"Anna. How nice of you to join us. Wait, this is James?As in your boyfriend James?" James looked at me and a smirk showed on his lips. Stupid baffoon.

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