It's A Secret

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Chapter 13

Anna’s P.O.V. 

 “Alright. I think the other guys would like him too.”

“Wait, how many guys do you live with?”

“Besides these two, seven others.”

“Holy shit Anna! Are they hot? I know you would like, die, if they weren’t.”

“Oh this should be good.” Somehow, James and Ashton managed to say that simultaneously while leaning against the car with their arms crossed at exactly the same time. 

“Well, I’m not allowed to talk about anyone but my boyfriend. But he’s pretty damn hot if you ask muah.” 

“Anna, you can talk about the other guys, I would ever so LOVE to hear your opinion on them.” Ashton had this smirk on and I had to hold back the biggest laugh of my life.

“Well, Justin and Jace are pretty cute. But they’re like, little boys so…… Anyway, then Jake is cute, but not hot. Then there’s Jace. He’s pretty hot. Then there’s Cade, and he’s a hot mother fucker. Then there’s Will, another hot mother fucker. And then there’s my Ashton, again a hot mother fucker. And last but not least,” James had a huge grin on his face and Ashton looked kind of angry at me. Good, serves him right. “James is THE HOTTEST,” James and Pierce burst into laughter because Ashton looked pretty angry. I walked over to him and gave him a hug and his look softened. 

“Alien child I have ever seen.” Now Ashton and Pierce were cracking up and James looked pissed. “Sorry Jamie.” I walked over and hugged him. I laughed when Ashton looked angrily at James and he stuck his tongue out at him. “I’m just kidding James. You are just a little bit less hot than my Ashton.” I made him lean down so I could whisper in his ear. “As his girlfriend I have to say that so…….” James laughed and turned to Ashton.


“Come on guys. Let’s go.”

“See you some other time guys!” Pierce waved and headed over towards his car.

“So Anna, who do you want to go with?” James asked.

“I’ll go with you James.”

“What!?” Ashton yelled furious.

“Babe, listen to me. The guys don’t know if your coming back with us or not. So, let’s make them think you didn’t.” James and Ashton got a huge smile across their faces and I laughed. “Ok. So here’s what we’ll do. I’ll ride with Ashton until we’re about halfway home. Then I’ll get out and switch cars. Then you, Ashton, will park your car out of the way so they can’t see it. Wait about five minutes after we get into the house until you come in.”

“And then, I walk in and announce I’m back.”

“Yeah. And take my camera so that you can take a picture of their sad ass faces. Alright?”


Ashton and I hopped into his car and followed behind James.

“Anna, how did you know where I was?”

“Well, if you were really in love with me you would have gone to the place where we first met. And you did. Then I had Pierce, who’s a cop by the way, place a call and we knew for a fact that you were there with us.” 

“Oh.” Ashton grabbed my hand and tingles were shot through my arm. “I love you Anna.”

“I love you too Ashton.” 

When we finally got halfway, I jumped into James’ car and we drove the rest of the way. We parked the car in the garage and walked into the house with the saddest yet real looking faces we could manage. 

As soon as we opened the doors everyone’s hopeful faces shot towards us. I made myself cry and I buried my face into James’ shoulder. 

“He’s not coming home is he?”

“No. He said that he couldn’t bear the pain of staying in the same place as me because he fell for me and now he can’t stand to look at me.”

“Anna, I’m so sorry.” James held me closer and I sobbed even more. All the guys came over with faces that made me want to cry harder and hugged me. 

“Why didn’t you offer to leave? He could come back and then we would all be together again.”

“I did offer. I told him that I could leave and go back to Carter’s and he said he wouldn’t be able to cope with knowing that I was with him. He said he’d probably commit suicide.” Then just at the right moment, Ashton busted through the door and everyone was scared shitless at first, but then they all cheered and ran at Ashton to give him a man-hug.

“You guys better fucking thank me for coming back.”

“Ashton, language!” I yelled, trying not to smile.

“Yeah, because you’re so one to talk Ms. Too many bar fights to count.”

“You got in a fight Anna!”

“Yeah, one punch and it was over though.”

“Oh poor guy.”

“You mean poor guys.” Ashton corrected looking almost proud of me.

“How many did you knock out Anna?”

“Two. I also hit an old friend of mine. I didn’t know it was him though.”

“Oh Anna.” Cade was laughing his ass off and so were the other guys.

“Oh, and she did a hotness scale on all of you guys too!” James, I swear I’m going to kill that bastard one day.

“Well, let’s hear it!”

“Ok!” I have to fake enthusiasm or else they’ll think I’m embarrassed about it, which I am. “Everyone, don’t take it offensively though. Deal?”

“Depends on how bad they are. If you said we’re fucking ugly, we can get pissed and leave.”

“Alright deal.” I looked at everyone again and again. “On a scale, Justin, you’re a......six. Jace you’re a six too. Your guys are twins so yeah. Jake, you’re a seven. Will, nine. Jack, eight. Cade, a nine. And Ashton, you’re a ten in my book. James, you could be a ten easily.”

“Huh, not too unreasonable.”

“Yep. And I would just like to say, Justin and Jace, this is a hotness scale, so I rated you guys sixes because your cute, like, still growing up baby cute.”

“That is complete bullshit!”


“Yeah says Ms. Fucking gangs have more fucking drama fucking than fucking high fucking school for fuck sake!”

“Oh, so you did hear that Ashton.”

“Yeah I did.”

“Well, so what! I am actually mature!”

“Yeah Ms. What the Hell!”

“Fuck you!”

“Immaturity right there.”

“Fuck you James.”


“Perv! Well, I guess you are my boyfriend so……” James burst into laughter as we remembered the glares we got at the club.

“Anna. I thought I was your boyfriend.” Ashton looked pissed again. Great.

“Yeah, you are. When me and Anna came to find you, everyone was like, mentally raping us, so we pretended to be dating until we found you.”

“Good boy.” Ashton looked amused but James, not so much.

“Come on Ashie.” 

“Where we going Princess?”

“It’s a secret.” I grabbed Ashton’s wrist and yanked him upstairs to my bedroom.

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